6 Things That Should Have Happened Post-Chosen (And An Epilogue!) by lovesbitch91
Chapter #2 - Too Good to be a Dream
Too Good To Be A Dream

“We’re looking for a girl. American. Blonde. Blue eyes.”

“Her eyes are hazel, you bloody nit.”

Buffy heard the voices from across the dance floor, and her eyes shot open. The Immortal was smiling, still dancing, oblivious to the fact that his girlfriend was moving steadily and purposefully away.

“I clearly remember her eyes being blue,” Angel was retorting, finger in Spike’s face. Buffy froze, only ten feet away, as her eyes absorbed the pillar of black leather before her. “We had tons of deep, soulful, eye-gazing. I think I’d know better than you what color her eyes are.”

“Maybe that’s because you’re thinking of that bloody wolf girl!” Spike replied hotly, and Buffy could tell he was seconds from a fight.

“They’re green,” she interjected. “Hazel, yeah.”

Both vampires were staring at her, but she was looking at only one. She crossed the last few feet and planted herself in front of Spike, looking up into his eyes at the very realness of him.

He obviously wasn’t expecting it when her fist shot out, connecting with his nose and sending him staggering to one knee. She stood over him as a crowd gathered and the Immortal stepped up.

“Mi amore,” he pleaded, trying to draw her away.

“Not now,” she said, shoving him away impatiently, eyes still riveted to Spike as he picked himself up.

“Yeah, you bloody ponce. You heard the Slayer. So get going,” he chided, giving the Immortal a dismissive wave of his hand before turning to Buffy. “Look pet, I would’ve called, ‘cept-”

“Except you were incorporeal. And then?”

“Bloody Andrew,” Spike swore under his breath before opening his hands to Buffy. “And then… I dunno. I was an arse. Didn’t think you’d want me back, anyway.”

“Not want you back?!” she screeched. It was just the two of them right now. The people and the music and the Immortal and Angel had melted away so that all her senses were full of Spike. “I only just love you, you stupid head!” Aww, shit; she was crying now – big, fat tears that leaked down her cheek and splashed onto the ground.

“You do?” He had softened, his eyes a startling color of blue as he took a step forward. She let him grab hold of her, let him tip her chin up so that she could see the soft grin. “Say it again.”

Still crying, she raised her arms up, cupped his face. “I love you, I do. I love you, Spike – never anyone but you.”

“Oh, you have got to be kidding!” Angel had stepped into their small circle, rudely bringing them back to the center of the club, and the attention of a growing crowd. “I thought I was the love of your life!”

“Your time’s bloody past, Peaches,” Spike shot him a smug grin. “My girl, now.”

“But, Buffy!” Angel was getting kind of desperate, Buffy decided. So she broke away from Spike, placed a hand on his cheek.

“Of course I’ll always love you, Angel.” (He resisted the urge to stick out his tongue at Spike.) “But I love Spike. I love him so much it hurts to think about him not being here.”

“Mi amore,” the Immortal had stepped forward, this time at Angel’s side, hands held out. “What about me? You tell me you love me, and yet-”

“I don’t,” she said simply. “Geez, is Riley going to show up next, too? Maybe Pike? I love Spike, you guys. Get over it.”

“Is this a dream, luv? Are you really here with me?” Buffy turned back to Spike, smiling and grasped his hands tightly in hers.

“It’s too good to be a dream.”