Never Say Never by TammyDevil666
Chapter #1 - Never Say Never
Title: Never Say Never
Summary: Buffy comes to terms with Spike's death when she finds a bag he packed before the final battle.
Word Count: 244
Author's Note: This was written for a prompt in spuffy_wonder. I never drabble, but I couldn't resist giving it a try.
Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me.

He was gone.

Everyone told her that she should move on, but it was hard to do much of anything. All she had left of him was a bag he packed before the battle.

Buffy got on his case about it, wondering why he would bother with everything that was going on around them, but Spike made it very clear that it was important to him. Now as she searched through the contents, she finally understood.

He didn’t pack the bag for himself.

He did it for her.

Spike knew there was a chance he wouldn’t make it out of that cave, and he wanted her to be prepared.

Inside she found photographs of her, Dawn, and their mother, along with a book of poetry, and a few pieces of jewelry from his human life.

It was the note resting inside the poetry book that brought tears to her eyes.

It was typical Spike, telling her how much he loved her, how much he wanted her to go on fighting. He didn’t want her to worry about anything, and that was why he gave her permission to sell the jewels.

Buffy shook her head. If he knew her at all, he should have known there was no way she would do that.

This bag was all she had left of him, and everything would remain the way it was. Maybe some day, she would return it.

After all, he always came back to her.