Too Late by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter #4 - Dances with Demons
Disclaimer: Not my characters, although I would not object to a Spike for my birthday…
Author’s Note: Thanks for all the encouraging reviews! This chapter is slightly less angsty than some of the previous ones. But knowing me, things will get worse for our heroes later...

When she came to her senses, Buffy realized that she and Spike were lying on a very hard, uncomfortable surface. The sensation had been terrifying – like being sucked through a black hole. She opened her eyes and looked around, sitting up. They were in an enormous cave. The walls seemed to glow with some orange light from some unseen source. Spike stirred, shook his head and sat up as well. His eyes lit on Buffy for a moment. Then he jumped to his feet and began pacing up and down, clearly furious.
“Stupid, stupid girl!” yelled Spike, enraged. “What have you done? Do you realize what you’ve done?”
Buffy stood up. “It was no more stupid than going and getting your soul, and nearly driving yourself insane on my account!” she retorted.
Spike grabbed her arms. “The insanity went away. This is forever.” He was so furious he shook her, and then released her when the pain she was feeling came across their psychic link.
“Spike,” Buffy began. Then she stopped, put her hand on his chest, and just reached out with her mind, willing him to see what was there, and to let her see what he was thinking. Words always seemed to get in the way with them.
Spike closed his eyes as Buffy’s thoughts flowed in. Spike, I love you. You don’t deserve to be here. I know – vampire. Did a lot of terrible things. Did a few terrible things to me even. But you have showed me a deeper, more unconditional love than I ever knew existed. I can’t let that go. I can’t.
Buffy closed her eyes as well, and heard Spike’s thoughts returning. I feel like this is all my fault Buffy. All of it. I shouldn’t have let you kill yourself. I should never have gotten involved with you at all. All I ever did was drag you down.
No. Buffy opened her eyes and stroked Spike’s face until his gaze met hers. No. Don’t you ever think that. You gave me more than anyone ever has. You are my champion. I chose to be a coward and kill myself. You didn’t do that to me. I did it to me. Just like you jumped out that window. We were both cowards, but I still won’t be without you.
Spike kissed her then, putting every ounce of love he had ever felt for her into the kiss. Oh dear heart. I really hope you don’t regret this.
Suddenly, they heard a noise behind them. Turning, they saw several large demons approaching out of one of the side tunnels. They automatically squared off against them, he on the left, she on the right. As the demons charged, they went into their old familiar dance. Spike lashed out with a solid kick, sending the first demon flying into the second. Buffy’s flurry of roundhouse kicks and solid punches caused a third to stagger. They didn’t stop to count the number of attackers, just kept moving. Spike snapped one demon’s neck. Buffy kicked another one into unconsciousness. As the battle went on and on, Buffy realized that she was having more fun than she had in years.
Is hell supposed to be this much fun? Buffy thought as she dispatched another demon.
Spike grinned and landed an uppercut. We always were the masters of this dance, eh love?
The demons kept coming, but they found they weren’t particularly tired. It definitely hurt when the demons landed blows. One particularly spiky one had gashed Buffy’s arm pretty good, and it burned like crazy. Spike had a bleeding wound at his temple that stained his white hair. But all in all, they were enjoying a good old fashioned brawl.
Seems like our punishment is to fight demons for all eternity, thought Buffy.
So, not much different than being alive then, Spike returned, mentally chuckling. The telepathy was proving to be quite a boon. Not only did it help with the fight, as they could sense what the other perceived in terms of where foes were, but it allowed for conversation without wasting breath.
Hey, at least no Apocalypse, thought Buffy. This could be considered a bit of an improvement.
Shut your mouth…er…mind before you give anyone ideas, pet.
Yes sir, Mr. Pratt.
Spike growled as he continued fighting. I should rip that little gray poof’s head off for letting that out of the bag.
Why? Buffy smirked. There are worse names out there.
Not if you’re British. My last name is a bloody insult!
Buffy laughed out loud and kicked another demon. Well then I guess you’ll just have to take my name. We’re claimed right? It’s like a marriage.
My father would roll in his grave if I took my wife’s name. Spike’s inner Victorian had some long standing hang-ups, and men taking their wives’ names was one of them. It just seemed wrong somehow.
So, I get to be Mrs. Pratt? She caught Spike’s eyes for a moment. Then a demon got in a good shot which rocked Spike’s head back, and they resumed fighting.
The fight continued for what felt like an eternity. More demons of all kinds came into the cave, surrounding them. One demon carried a battleaxe. Spike managed to disarm him, and tossed the axe to Buffy. Happy birthday, Slayer. He carried on fighting. The fallen demons seemed to vanish into mist, making room for the newcomers. They both were bruised and battered now, bleeding from numerous wounds. But they kept fighting, and fighting.
Then, at some point, there were fewer new demons. They kept up the battle, slaying one after the other. Finally, Spike twisted one more neck, and dropped the body. They looked around, panting, as the last demon dissolved into nothing. “Did they run out?” asked Spike.
Buffy brushed her hair back out of her eyes. “I would have thought hell would have an infinite supply,” she replied. She sat down, suddenly exhausted.
Spike threw himself on the ground next to her. “Maybe they want us fresh for round two,” he surmised. He felt around in his pockets and sighed, “No cigarettes. I guess we really are in hell.”
Buffy chuckled, and looked at her wounds. Most were already healing – it was like her Slayer powers were better than ever. Spike too found he was healing fast, even for a vampire. Buffy asked, “Why are we healing so fast? And why are we so… real? Shouldn’t we be ghosts or something?”
Spike shrugged. “Guess since this is a realm where souls go, souls feel real here. That’s the only explanation I can think of. And maybe they heal us fast so they can beat on us again sooner,” he replied.
Buffy moved closer so she was leaning on Spike’s shoulder. Blissfully, he wrapped his arms around her and just held her. Never get tired of this, she thought, snuggling into his chest.
Spike breathed in the scent of her hair. Buffy, why did you do it? he thought.
Buffy paused for a while, gathering her thoughts. It was just like after Willow brought me back. Everyone was looking at me to lead, to be OK. Maybe I would have been, eventually. But no one wanted to hear about me and you. Dawn missed you, but I think she was still a bit sore with you. Willow just wanted to put it all behind her. She found a Coven to help her with her magic, she had Kennedy to comfort her, and she just wanted a new start. Xander was so broken up about Anya. He pulled out his patented ‘my grief is more valid than your grief’ attitude every time I tried to bring up how I felt. Anya was his former fiancé and had been human. You were a vampire. Even though you saved the world and all that, your death was good riddance in his eyes.
Spike growled a bit. Wanker. Should have eaten him years ago.
Probably would have disagreed with you, Buffy thought. I tried to tell them. After all the grief I got from keeping that secret about Heaven from them, I thought this time I wouldn’t keep secrets. But they didn’t want to know. It was all ‘You need to get over him, Buffy’ and ‘He’s gone, move on’ and so on. So I tried. I threw myself into slaying, found a school for Dawn, trained new Slayers. But I dreamed about you every night. And if I stopped moving for a moment, the despair came back. Every day it was just a little harder to get out of bed. Finally, I just decided to quit. I thought about just letting a vampire get his one good day. But in the end, I didn’t want any other vampire’s fangs in me. So I… did what I did.
Spike quietly stroked her hair. The despair she had felt was choking him. He could feel that loneliness like a cloud that she had walked through. It was all there, in her mind, and he could hardly bear it. I wish I had known. I’ll be kicking myself for all eternity.
How could you have known? Buffy thought. My closest friends didn’t understand how depressed I was.
I know, Spike responded. I probably shocked the hell out of Angel, he added as an afterthought.
Buffy turned a bit to look at him and asked, What did you do?
Spike shrugged. I was a bit out of my head. Must’ve read your letter 150 times on the way back to LA. I was… numb. When I got back to that wanker’s office, I wanted to rip his head off. But I guess I realized that wouldn’t bring you back. He said he was sorry, but what was I going to do hanging around there? I was tired of fighting for… whatever the hell Angel is fighting for now. I don’t even know any more. I looked out the window, and it all just looked so empty. So I just ran through the window. I dunno – maybe I dusted Angel in the process. Don’t much care, I guess.
Their silent conversation was interrupted by noises from the tunnel once again. “Time for round two, love,” said Spike as he scrambled to his feet and helped Buffy to hers. They squared off and began the dance again.