Too Late by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter #5 - Visitors
Disclaimer: Not my vampires. Mr. Whedon’s vampires.
Thanks so much to all the reviewers who took the time to give me feedback! This chapter dedicated to my local commuter rail, without whose interminable delays I would never have had time to get it written. Another chapter bereft of beta help, but hopefully I have not made any major errors.
Angel was back at work the next day, hung over and subdued. He went through the day’s business with a minimum of conversation. All the employees who encountered Angel in the halls shied away as his bad mood followed him like a fog. Angel normally had brooding down to a science, but this was the worst anyone had ever seen.
Near the end of the day, Harmony came over the intercom. “Eve is here to see you boss,” she chirped. Harmony’s voice grated on his nerves on a good day – today it was like nails on a chalkboard. Angel was also less than thrilled to have to deal with the liaison to the Senior Partners right now. But it seemed to be part of the whole deal. “Show her in, Harmony,” he muttered.
Eve walked in, looking assured and perky as ever. “Good afternoon, Angel,” she said, crossing over to take a seat in front of his desk. “How are things today?”
“Fine,” Angel replied bluntly. “What can I do for you?”
Eve crossed her legs and folded her hands. “The Senior Partners just wanted to convey how pleased they were with recent events, and wanted to say to keep up the good work.”
Angel stopped toying with his pen and looked up at her sharply. “What are you referring to?”
“Well, you solved that problem of having two souled vampires mucking up the works, for one thing,” she replied. “Did you dust him yourself?”
“He jumped out the window on his own,” muttered Angel. “And don’t pretend you didn’t know that. The Senior Partners seem to know everything around here.”
“Well, there was some doubt as to whether you helped or… encouraged him to jump,” said Eve, straightening her skirt. “But the end result is the same – balance is restored.”
“Pardon me if I am not jumping up and down,” said Angel.
“What, I thought you found him to be an annoyance?” Eve questioned.
“He had his uses,” Angel replied, in a tone that did not seem eager to continue this line of conversation.
Eve shrugged and went on, “The Partners are also glad to see that the original Slayer is no longer around. It will be much easier on our demonic clients without Ms. Summers organizing all her new Slayers into a coherent army.”
Angel stood up so suddenly that his chair flew backward. He was around the desk in a flash of vampire speed and had Eve by the throat before she could blink. “If I find out that the Senior Partners had anything to do with Buffy’s death… ”
Eve choked out, “She did it herself. We had nothing to do with it.” Angel released her. Eve rubbed her throat and continued, “The Partners thought your policy of not communicating with her was deliberate.”
“Sorry to disappoint you, but it wasn’t part of any grand master plan,” said Angel, turning to look out the window. “This was not what I wanted.”
“Nevertheless, the Senior Partners think that this outcome eliminates certain potential difficulties,” Eve continued.
“Do you have anything else to say?” Angel growled.
Eve stood up and straightened her skirt. “That’s all for now. Have a good evening, Angel.” Eve turned and strode out the door.
Angel stared out as the lights started coming on in the city. He turned and grabbed his coat, stalking out the door toward the elevator.
An hour later, Angel was on his third – or was it fourth? – whiskey at a nondescript bar. He kept turning Eve’s words around and around in his head. When the Senior Partners were happy about something, this was usually not a good sign. How did I dig myself into this hole? he wondered. I’m working for evil, no matter how you slice it. I did it for Connor, but at what cost?
“Buy an old friend a drink?” said a voice at his elbow. He turned to see a small man in a ridiculously dapper suit and hat.
“Whistler??” Angel’s voice conveyed his utter astonishment. “Where did you spring from? I haven’t seen you in ages.” Angel signaled the bartender while the demon sat down next to him. Whistler placed his order and turned to Angel.
“You’re looking a little worse for wear at present my friend.” Whistler shook his head slightly and sipped at his beer. “Had a hard time of it lately?”
“You could say that,” Angel responded.
“I heard about Spike and the Slayer,” said Whistler. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
“I failed them both, Whistler,” said Angel in a low voice.
“I’m afraid you don’t know the half of it,” replied the demon. Angel looked up at him searchingly. “The Powers that Be are not happy with this turn of events.”
“What can I do about it?” Angel asked, frustrated. “She’s gone. I’m not dragging her out of Heaven again by some mystical means. She was messed up for ages after that. That’s how she ended up with Spike in the first place.”
“She’s not in heaven.”
Angel nearly dropped his drink in surprise. “What do you mean?” he sputtered. “They wouldn’t send her to hell just for committing suicide, would they? She saved the world 10 times over, for God’s sake.”
“She chose hell, rather than be parted from Spike again,” Whistler said. Angel’s eyes widened in horror and shock. “They tried to get him to convince her to go to Heaven as she was destined. Apparently, she wasn’t having it. Not sure about all the details, but last I heard they were together, in hell.”
Angel stared into his drink, shaking his head in disbelief. “Why would she do that? What would possess her?”
“Apparently, she loves him,” Whistler responded, taking another drink.
“Why are you telling me all this Whistler?” Angel asked in an annoyed tone. “Is this just rubbing salt in the wound, or is there a purpose for all this?”
“You seem to have strayed from your former mission lately,” Whistler commented. “Maybe it’s time you got back on track.”
“What do you mean?”
“I think you need to set things right,” said Whistler, as he finished his beer and stood up. “I think you can. But you have to ask yourself what you are willing to give.” He fixed Angel with a searching stare, then turned to go. “I’ll be in touch,” he added over his shoulder, then disappeared out the door.