Something Blue, Something More by Opal
Chapter #2 - Ch 10 - Family

Chapter 10- Family

Buffy shut the door to the room gently, but made sure she locked it. She glanced over at Spike, who was gently placing William in the middle of the bed. She was amazed at Spike’s gentle nature with their son.

She hoped that someday, he would forgive her and be that gentle with her. He had been accepting of her apology in front of the others, but now that they were alone she was scared.

Spike sensed his Slayer’s nervousness. He turned around and noticed she was shyly looking down while worrying her bottom lip with her teeth. His concern for her temporarily replaced with adoration for her. Slowly, he walked up to her and lifted her chin gently with his hand.

“Hey luv, what’s bothering you?”

She looked up into his cerulean blue eyes. In that moment, she connected with him, and she knew that there was no sense in not being honest.


“Me?” Spike questioned, a little taken aback at her response.

“I’m scared about how you will deal with me now that we are behind closed doors.”

Spike leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Have no worries luv.”

“But you should be mad at me for keeping you from your son. I keep expecting that you’ll drop the softer side of Spike that you’re showing right now and return to your Slayer ass kicking Spike mode.”

“Ya’ I’m bloody mad pet, but what good would that do any of us right now with the Initiative after you. ‘Sides luv, I can’t stay mad at you and I couldn’t hurt you if I wanted, you’re the mother of my son.”

Spike felt her tremble beneath his hand. He gently pulled her into an embrace. His arms tightly wrapped around her, for he feared that she might run. Spike breathed the scent of her hair and let out a sigh.

Tears began to flow from Buffy’s eyes. In all her life, no one had ever stood by her. First, when called as a Slayer, her father left her. When her mom found out she was the Slayer, she had to run away. When she found out she was pregnant, Riley had run from her. Everyone had run from her. Spike had, but it was only because she pushed him away. He had only left because he feared he would be dust.

He came back to her and William. He was rational and understanding, and she was in his arms.

“Luv, don’t cry. I’m not even angry any more.”

Buffy pulled away from Spike and looked up at him. He raised his finger to brush the tears away from her eyes.

“I never thought I’d have a moment of happiness like this. Spike, I never would have thought you would be the one to stand by me, even as I stumbled. You never gave up on me.”

“Luv it’s because you’re one hell of a woman. You’re the one. Even Dru knew that. Maybe one day you could love me as much as…”

Buffy raised her finger to his lips to silence him.

“Don’t say it. Please don’t. Everyone who says that leaves me in the end.”

“I’m not like everyone else.” He whispered in her ear.

Buffy leaned into him. “I’m realizing that. I also know that I’m afraid. Afraid to share my heart with anyone but our son right now.”

“Do you think someday pet? Just give me a crumb, please?”

“Let’s put it this way Spike, I thought I wanted nice and normal. I’ve already figured out that is way underrated.”

Spike knew if his heart could beat, it would have just skipped a few. His beautiful Slayer had tossed him the crumb. Now it was up to him to be patient and work with it.

“Thanks luv. Now let’s talk about how I’m gonna protect you and the sprog. I know you’re exhausted and tired, so why don’t we head over to the bed and make ourselves comfy while we talk”

Buffy nodded in agreement. Spike led her over to the bed where their son was sleeping. He gently picked him up so Buffy could climb into the bed. Spike passed William to Buffy as he climbed in and pulled his family close to him. ‘His family,’ he thought.

“Luv, I know I can’t easily protect you from humans but I need to be able to protect you from other demons. I don’t fancy the nibblet growing up without his mum.”

“You’ve always been a good fighter; we’ll be great fighting side by side.”

“I’m not just talking about helping you with fists and fangs, but I’m talking about using a little more fang to help you out.”

Buffy was puzzled with Spike’s words, but she just snuggled into him more. She really liked his possessiveness and his need to protect her and the baby.

“I’m not sure I get what you’re saying.”

“Luv, remember when I told you about the bond I have with William.”


“And you know how his eyes flash from my blue to your green.”


“Part of it is mystical. It is because he knows his family bond is incomplete. He is not capable of completing the bond to grant his mum protection from demons, so for now his eyes flashing is the only way he can let others know that he belongs to you. The other part is that he has the mystical strength of a Slayer and a vampire. He doesn’t know how to control his powers, which will be revealed and grow as he gets older. So when his power tries to come out, he can’t control it and his eyes flash or change color. Like when I do when I go into game face.”

“What would need to be done to protect me from other demons?”

“You would need the mark of your family on you or the blood. You see William’s little mark on his neck?”


“Well it looks like he was born with the mark of family, so other demons can identify him. You luv, don’t have such a mark.”

“Oh. So what does the mark mean?”

“It means that other vamps and most demons will recognize you as belonging to me. They will respect that and will not try and hurt you.”

“Well that’s good then. I don’t have to worry about as many demons trying to hurt William, just humans. That takes some pressure off.”

“Yeah luv, but the humans and demons can hurt you. Buffy, I want to mark you to protect you.”

“You want to do what?”

“Mark you luv. Make sure our little guy has his mum around. At least by reducing much of the demon population from harming you, it will make you less vulnerable.”

“That makes sense Spike. But how would you mark me?”

Spike held her closer to him and moved his lips down to her ear.

“Well love that’s where it gets complicated.” He whispered. “You’d have to let me bite you, and I’d say a few words. It wouldn’t be a mating claim, but you would have to accept me as your family in order for the mark to give you protection.”

Buffy thought about it for a few moments. “Would it protect me from Angel if he ever lost his soul again?”

Spike thought about it. She had a very valid point. If Angelus was loose, first thing the vampire would do is renew his vendetta against the Slayer. Buffy needed to be able to protect William. Spike needed her to help raise their baby.

“I would protect you and dust the bastard if he ever came after you again. To answer your question luv, yeah it would.”

“Would it make us a family?” She quietly asked.

Spike felt his undead heart warm. She wanted them to be a family, even if they were not lovers or mates.

“Yeah luv, it would officially make you, me and William a family. It would take the stress off of the little guy to know that the familial bond was complete.”

Buffy did not need to give it too much more thought.

“Spike would you make us a family? Please?”