Second Youth by Ariel Dawn
Chapter #19 - Singing Spike
Disclaimer: Joss made ‘em, I play with ‘em.
Singing Spike

“What would you say if I got my hair cut today?” asked Buffy in bed.

“You know I love this hair,” said her mate, running his fingers through the blond tresses.

“I know, but maybe I need a new look...”

“That’s bollocks!”

“Maybe. But that doesn’t change anything.”

“Do you want to cut your bleedin’ hair?” he said rolling towards her.

“Would it make you terribly angry if I did cut my hair?”

“Bloody Hell!” he exhaled. “Are you very badly trying to tell me something? Cause I don’t go in for those cryptic mumbo jumbo sessions you and Angelus used to have.”

“Good grief!” she shouted. “Why did you have to bring him into it? I just wanted to know...”

“If I was bloody ok with you cutting your soddin’ hair,” he said exasperated.

“Well are you?”


“Ok then, you don’t have to shout.”
“Ok, do we have food in the fridge?” Buffy was pacing the kitchen floor.

Dawn opened the fridge. “Check,” noted the teen.

“Are the weapons stored?”

Buffy heard a thump from upstairs and then the pitter patter of wiccan feet.

“Willow dropped something,” explained Tara.

“Weapons away, check,” said Willow.

“Demon/vampire/witch related items?” continued Buffy.

“Check,” said Tara nodding.

Spike appeared before the assembled women, clad in only his jeans and headed straight for the fridge.

“I think you forgot something on that list,” said Dawn, looking at her ‘brother-in-law.’

“Oh god,” murmured the slayer. “Spike! What are you doing?”

“Getting the day off to a good start. Breakfast is the most important meal I’ll have you know,” explained the vampire, getting his blood out of the fridge.

“Gah! Ok, then take your blood and your semi nude body and go back upstairs!”

Spike poured the pigs blood into the new mug he got for Christmas from Dawn that said Bite Me.

“Ashamed of the vampire are we?” Spike put his mug into the microwave and hit the beverage button.

Tara, Willow and Dawn chuckled.

“Spike! Social services is coming this morning!”

“Doesn’t this production seem a bit like you’ve been tipped off?”

“It didn’t go well last time, Mr I stopped by for my lighter! I want things perfect!”

The kitchen was filled with a beeping noise from the microwave.

“Right then, I’d best be off. Up to our room with me, to hide in shame at what a horrible creature I am.”

He popped the door to the appliance and took his steaming mug of blood out.

“Spike... I’m sorry,” murmured Buffy.

Spike broke into a huge smile. “I’m just taking the piss outta you, Slayer.” Spike pecked his mate on the cheek and trod back upstairs.

“What does that mean?” asked Dawn.
Xander arrived to take Dawn to school as per usual. He was treated to the loud song stylings of Spike the vampire singing ‘Anarchy in the UK’ upstairs.

Xander raised his eye brows in puzzlement.

“I think he’s being immature today,” said Buffy. “He’s been singing every Sex pistols song he knows since he went up there. You should have heard him sing ‘Friggin in the Riggin,’ it was priceless.”

“Too bad I missed it then,” said Xander almost honestly.

“I recorded it...”

“Ooh look at the time, Dawn!”

Dawn and Xander were well away from Revello drive by the time that Doris Kroger darkened Buffy’s doorstep.

At 9 am precisely, the doorbell rang. Spike had just finished singing ‘This is not a Love song.’ Buffy gave one last shush in the direction of the stairs and opened the door to reveal Doris Kroger, clip board in hand.

“Oh, good morning. You must be Buffy. I'm Doris Kroger, from Social Services.” The middle aged woman took out an ID and flashed it before Buffy. “We had an appointment?”

“Yes! Of course, come in Ms Kroger,” said Buffy with a smile.

“Dawn off to school then?” asked the social worker entering the house.

“Oh yes, she left a little while ago.” Buffy closed the door behind the woman. “Perhaps we can have this discussion in the living room?”

Doris nodded and followed Buffy into the living room, seating herself on the big red couch.

Buffy opened her mouth to speak only to be cut off by the opening to ‘Streets of London.’

Buffy groaned. “That’s my partner, he’s cleaning, excuse me, please for a moment.”

Buffy made to get up only to hear the thump of Spike’s feet on the stairs and the jingle of mugs. Spike poked his head into the living room and stopped singing mid verse.

“You could have bloody told me to shut up, Buffy,” he said apologetically.

“And miss your aria, never!” protested Buffy with a smile. “Ms Kroger, this is William Darlington, my partner.”

“Pleased to meet you. You uh, live here?”

“Yes, he does,” supplied Buffy. “William, why don’t you come and join us? After you put on a shirt?”

Spike looked down at his shirtless chest and shrugged, then turned towards the kitchen.

“And how long has Mr Darlington been living here?” asked Ms Kroger.

“Since November.”

Doris nodded and wrote something down on her clip board.

“And how does Dawn feel about this man in the house?”

“Won’t bloody stop asking me when I’m going to marry her sister, actually,” said Spike coming up from the basement wearing...a white tee shirt.

Buffy’s eyes bugged out of her head. He was wearing something other than black. This was a momentous occasion.

“And what do you do? Mr Darlington?”

“I work with Buffy.”

“It says here that you are unemployed Ms Summers.”

“Oh well that’s outdated then isn’t it? William and I are security professionals.”

“Name of your employer?”

“Watcher’s Council. They are based in England.”

Doris made a note on her clip board.

“And the name of your immediate superior?”

“Uh...That would have to be Giles, Rupert Giles.”

More scribbling on the clip board.

“Buffy!” shouted another voice from the kitchen, “Did Willow make any more Portanus?”


Anya walked into the living room munching on a doughnut.

“Oh look you have company,” said Anya between chews.

“Yes, Anya this is Ms Kroger from social services.”

“Oh right, you’re the lady that could take Dawn away from Buffy and Spike. Do you know that you’ve made my Maid of Honor neglect her honouring duties for a whole week so she could get ready for this visit? I mean do you honestly think that Dawn needs more attention? She’s got the whole Scooby crew at her beck and call. I even have to let her win at Monopoly! It’s cruel.”


“No, I’m not finished ranting. I’m getting married, Dawn’s one of the bride’s maids, don’t you think she should be showering attention on me instead of the other way around?”

“Uh..” Doris was a little pressed for what to say.

“You don’t have to say anything, I usually leave strangers speechless. I just came over for more Portanus, Willow makes them.”

“Willow is upstairs,” said Buffy.

“Ok,” Anya bounced off towards the stairs. Before she exited the room though, she turned back and took a look at Spike. “Are you wearing a white shirt?”

“I’m sorry about that. Anya always speaks her mind,” said Buffy apologetically.

“And what Miss...”


“And what Miss Jenkins was saying?”

“All true,” said Spike.

“Dawn has a book report due next week, so we decided to read the book together.”

More scribbling. Doris turned her head as she heard yet more people coming down the stairs. Anya returned to the living room.

“Ok, I’m leaving now, I do have a job you know. Just had to get the wiccan lovers to get up off their lazy butts and make me some snacks. Oh and Buffy we have fittings on Friday.”

“Thanks Anya,” said Buffy.

“So who all exactly live in this house?” asked the Social worker.

“Well, William and I, Dawn of course and Willow Rosenburg and Tara McClay,” said Buffy.

Tara and Willow poked their heads into the room and waved.

“They are students at UC Sunnydale.”

More scribbling.
Doris Kroger left 1630 Revello drive with the promise of more visits but no change in status. Buffy didn’t know if she was happy about this or not. At least she wasn’t on probation.

The thing was that she sorta wished that the geeks were still at large so she could play invisible girl on Ms Kroger again. Feeling sorry for herself Buffy curled up on the couch and turned on the TV.

“Authorities are still on the look out for escaped thief Warren Meers, who broke out of this prison cell last week,” said the mews reporter.

“Ah crap,” muttered Buffy.
Buffy was muttering to herself in the kitchen. If one looked at Willow’s face, you would think that Buffy was possessed.

“Buffy? Uh, what’s wrong?” asked Willow stirring the pot of portanus.

“He’s out, Warren, stupid police. I should have known that they’d muck it up.”

“Ok.....Calm down?”

“I can’t calm down Wills, He’s bad.”

“Ok, but what can you do? You don’t know where he is? Oooh maybe a locator spell, you want me to do?”

“Thanks but we’d need something of his to do the spell.”

“Buffy bot!”


“I still have pieces of Buffy bot,”

“That’s weird Willow, and random.”

“For the locator spell. Warren made her.”

“See there’s the Willow thinking I know and love. Where are the parts Wills?”

“Uh, under my bed.”

“Ok again with the weird and random.”
Buffy pulled the remains of the Buffy bot from underneath Willow and Tara’s bed. It was just a torso and an arm.

“If I didn’t think that Wills had issues before...” Buffy trailed off.

“Uh, Buffy?” asked Tara in the doorway.

“Oh, I have to do a locator spell on Warren.”

“Ok, but why is the Buffy bot in my room?”

“It was under your bed.”

“Excuse me?”

“Ya, I know, it’s weird.”

“Willow put it there?”

“I’m sensing there are going to be words between you two aren’t there?”

“Oh ya,”

“Help me with the spell?”

“You know you don’t need the help Buffy.”

“Maybe, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want it.”

Tara smiled.

Suddenly from down the hall Tara and Buffy heard Spike start in on his rendition of ‘Schools are Prisons.’
