Prophecy Vamp by Athenewolfe
Chapter #5 - Chapter 5 of 5 - Master and Slayers
Buffy moaned as Spike's fangs penetrated her neck. She loved the sensation of her sire biting her, claiming her in a way he would allow no other vampire to do. She was his to take, his to bite, his to command. Yet, he would never use her, abuse her like so many would have. He wanted her love, her admittance of need, given to him freely and never taken by force. She loved him more for his actions, craved his touch, his fangs, his cock - she needed him as an addict needed a drug. Needed to be taken, tasted, caressed; she needed to be bitten.

Less then an hour to go and they were alone. Their toy had left to play war games with the Watcher and no one else would come by. No one trusted them, only feared them. They were the Masters of Sunnydale and this they would remain. Family loyalties only counted when the family was loyal to you to begin with. She had her sire - no one else mattered, not great grandmum, or any family further up the chain. She was Spike's only childe and until she decided on when she would make one of her own, it would be just the two of them. That was if she would ever make one, Spike thought her too young; she just wasn't sure she wanted to share. Sharing her toys made her cranky. Very cranky.


Angel sat stiffly in the library. He was still sore from the abuses, and pleasures, that his body had suffered. He had feared that they would turn him down, refuse him the help that he needed to bring down the master. Refuse him, even as they teased his body, and ate away at his soul. Yet, they agreed to assist him, to help him in this fight and he was grateful.

So why was the Watcher giving him such a difficult time regarding this plan. Did he really not understand that this was the only option that would save his slayer’s continued existence? Did he not realize that his life, his friends, his slayer’s life had always been subject to the whims of the vampires who ruled this town. Spike had killed three slayers and Buffy was a slayer turned vampire. Did Giles honestly believe that any mere human, slayer or not, would be able to fight off the Master, even if one disregarded the presence of the Anointed One or Darla.

The idea that the Slayer could win without aid was ridiculous but the thought of Giles or his friends as backup, suppressing a laugh at the visual image he turning to look at Giles, “You're way outta your league, Rupert. The Master'll kill you before you can even breathe. If you're lucky.”

Giles shook his head; he knew the vampire was correct. How many times had Angel helped them, how many times had the vampire gave them sound advice and fought on their side? Angel’s quest for redemption had guided him to their side and he had earned their trust.

Giles sighed, he had already agreed to an uneasy truce before, and this could truly be his Slayer's only hope. Slowly he nodded, "Kendra will be here soon, then you can meet up with Spike and Buffy."


Kendra and Angel made their way to the Master's lair. She had wanted to refuse their help, to tell the souled one to keep his childe and the former slayer away. That she was The Slayer and she needed no one's help, only her weapon. But she had overhead the prophecy, the Watcher and Vampire had not noticed her presence. And she didn't want
to die. Accepting help was wrong. It was unnatural, but she was only fifteen. She knew she would have a short life, but was one more year too much to ask?


Buffy chose her clothes carefully. First impressions were extremely important. After all how many times did you get to meet your great-great grandsire and kill him all on the same day? The proper clothes would be vital to the overall impression. Finally she located a pair of blood red leather pants and a black spaghetti tank; deadly, yet sexy. It was perfect!

Angel had left an hour ago to meet the watcher and plan out their attack. Personally she was more of a, "fight, then fuck on their ashes" rather than a "well planned strategy", sort of girl. Apparently, the ‘White Hats” thought that lacked finesse. Was she the only one who knew how to have any fun?


Spike watched as his mate dressed, she was the most beautiful demon he had ever seen. She was everything a vampire should be: powerful, deadly, and beautiful. The outfit she had chosen made his skin crawl with desire and his cock harden painfully. Skin tight pants with a spaghetti string top; she looked delicious and quite edible. But what really got to him was the boots. Knee high leather boots with heels that made you want to lick them. They changed her outfit from hot and steamy to eminently fuckable and created an uncontrollable urge for him to say 'yes mistress'.

As she nodded, they slipped out the door. It was prophecy time. They would meet Angel and the Slayer and fulfill their promise. They would kill the Master before he escaped his prison.

Angel spotted the Anointed One first. He was pulled in that direction by a faint family tug; knowing as his steps quickened that they should slow down and wait for their backup. Buffy and Spike should be there shortly, but the Slayer matched his pace and then quickened her steps. Fear and apprehension were rolling off of her, flooding his senses, taunting his demon.

The young vampire, Colin, broke through Angel’s thoughts and turned his steady gaze towards Kendra, “Help me.”

Kendra propelled herself forward. Unable to stop herself she stretched her hand out to the innocent looking boy, “It’s okay. I know who you are.”

Clasping hands, Colin and Kendra walked towards the Master’s lair. Angel followed a few steps behind. Confused about their destination, he wondered why they were not waiting. He couldn’t stop the Slayer from her mission, but he did wonder about her strange acceptance and calm.

In front of the entrance the young vampire nodded his head before turning to walk away. Angel hesitated; he could feel Buffy and Spike coming closer, the younger vampires’ signatures growing stronger through their bonds. Yet, he couldn’t wait. Kendra had already descended into the Masters lair.


Berating himself for hesitating, Angel began to descend into the Master’s lair. His path unsure, he headed towards the feel of family. The flickering of candlelight created shadows in the wall and lost in thoughts he never noticed the presence of Darla until the blow landed.

Spike and Buffy cut through the cemetery, following their instincts and the draw of family. Anticipation coursed through their veins, heightening their senses. They could feel the danger in the air, the crackle of destiny, of fate, of prophecy.

The entrance taunted them, sparkled with candlelight, hinting of danger and sensual pleasures; the family lair. They would be welcome there, the proper court of the head of the Order, head of the family line. They would increase his power and could rule at his side.

Yet they were no one’s underlings. It was time to take back their town. The order would bow to them.

Spike heard the sounds of the fight before he found them. Angel was surrounded by a group of vampires, led by the blond bitch Darla. The older vampire was winning, beating down Angel as he struggled against his sire.

Spike raced forward entering the fight. He began to dust the minions, weeding out the weak and quickly making the numbers more even.

As he nodded to Buffy, she turned to hunt for the Slayer and Master. The boys could handle this group; she wanted to find the main attraction.


Kendra was struggling against the Master. Breaking away from his grip, she started to run; only to stop in shock when Buffy stepped out of the shadows.

“It’s okay Kendra, I’m here.” Buffy caught her eye, her voice tantalizingly low, captivating her, even though Buffy herself had no thrall.

“I’m here, we can take him, destroy him; destroy the monster forever. We are Slayers, sisters; we can stop him… together.”

Kendra hesitated; there was something about Buffy that called to her. Made her want to believe, even if she was a vampire, she had been a Slayer. She was the only one who knew what it felt like. Inspired she turned around. She would trust Buffy, just this once.

Kendra and Buffy began to dance around the Master. Roundhouse kicks flew, making contact, knocking him back further and further into his chamber. The Master was powerful, but the dual assault of the Slayers was wearing him out. Stumbling he fell down, and looked up in astonishment at the blond vampire.

She smiled, and so soft that only a vampire could hear, she whispered to him, “Now.”

Stepping back, Kendra rushed for, ready to create the killing blow when the Master reached up and yanked her down.

“You tried. It was noble of you. Did you really think my family would fight against me? You heard the prophecy that I was about to break free and you came to stop me. But prophecies are tricky creatures. They don't tell you everything.”

Whispering to Kendra, “You're the one that sets me free! If you hadn't come, I couldn't go. Think about that!”

The Master bit into Kendra’s neck, beginning to drain her. His strength depleted, him needing the Slayer blood to recuperate from the fight.

Dropping Kendra like a rag doll, he turned to Buffy, “Why the game my dear girl? Not that I don’t enjoy …”

The rest of the sentence was lost as Buffy drove a stake through his heart. His age made his destruction slow, he seemed to fade away, his expression one of shock and betrayal.

Buffy turned to the fallen Slayer, bending down to check on her. Closing the now vacant eyes, she whispered, “Thank you for your assistance; but no one plays with my toys.”


Okay taking requests, demands, and bribes for sequels. Although knowing my luck I will actually get flames and death threats. *Shrugs*, but since this was an episode twist I am leaving it here. If you like – please review and let me know. Also let me know what other episodes you would like me to twist or what you are dying to find out about. *hugs* Dialogue was from prophecy girl.