The Return by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Anguish

Buffy Convert
07/11/2009 09:42 pm
     A poignant chapter, so full of life. Spike's feelings are always so out there. I like this idea of showing things from Riley's point of view. It's like having someone who isn't of the Whedenverse, visiting.

01/24/2009 10:05 pm
well written chapter. certainly  merits the title. very good read, thank you.

11/21/2008 05:55 pm
Aw, Spike. *sniffles* Great beginning! I despise Riley but I like this :)

11/09/2008 07:24 pm
Whew - angst city.  Love it

11/07/2008 03:04 pm
A great idea for a story. I always wondered how Riley would have reacted if he really understood what Buffy was dealing with while he was gone, and if he'd known she'd died. Your portrayal of his character is realistic and true to who he is (which I know can be hard on a Spuffy site) but makes the perfect comparison to Spike's thoughts and feelings. Spike's situation is also very realistic and not romanticized, but still touching and deep and I feel so much empathy for the vamp, though I hope he gets a glimpse of Dawn giving Riley some lip and then clearly preferring him!
Great chapter and I hope to read more soon.
Glad you like Riley (sort of) and the contrast he provides with Spike. It's one of the best thing about writing this - being able to explore these two different men who love Buffy. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Thank you very much for reading!

11/07/2008 08:28 am
Oh, poor Spike!
He needs a big hug, for sure :-)

11/07/2008 03:00 am
Wow... Beautifully heartbreaking. And I have to say I was a bit unsure if I could enjoy a story with Riley, even though I enjoy your work, this is turning out to be really good! And I haven't even wished him a painful death once! Keep it up :)
I'm glad to hear it! He wasn't so very bad (*hides in case she gets pelted with rotten fruit*). Thanks for reading!

11/07/2008 01:26 am
sadness! poor spike!
I know :-( Boo hoo.

11/07/2008 12:14 am

Wow, is the first thing that comes to mind. While the last chapter broke my heart, but this one shattered it.

He choked out her name and grabbed at his chest, wondering if a heart that didn’t beat could still stop working.

That was when I started sobbing. The repetition of "She was gone" got me teary-eyed, but that line was what broke the dam. This was just lovely and so well written. I know the next chapter will be just as wonderful!

I didn't mean to make you cry!! Well, maybe a little... :-) Thank you for your lovely feedback.

11/06/2008 10:36 pm
You've got me sobbing right along with him.  Poor Spike!  Great insight into everyone's favorite Big Bad. 
Thank you. We see so little of his mourning - but I figure the anguish we saw at the end of the Gift was a recurring theme. Thanks for reading!

11/06/2008 09:59 pm
Poor grieving one to share his grief with since they didn't credit him with real feelings and Dawn is fragile herself.
Wish Riley could see this because it would drive home that Spike did truly love her.

Dark painful well written chapter of a man torn and seeking any relief even if chemically induced.
He always was one to try and drown his sorrows, even if it never really worked. Poor Spike - he could really do with a friend right now. :-(

11/06/2008 08:45 pm
love it please update soon
Already have! :-) Thanks for reading.

11/06/2008 08:30 pm
Aww, I feel like giving him a hug.  Have to say, much rather read from Spike's perspective and I don't believe he's right about everyone being happy that Riley is back.  Well, I doubt Dawn would be.  Spike forgets that he is the one that just left without saying goodbye to anyone, there would be some hostility.
He definitely needs one! This was something that just had to come from Spike's POV, I felt. Riley just wouldn't be able to show that much pain and, well, anguish.

Flames to dust
11/06/2008 08:28 pm
No one like Spike for a lil breakhearting moment. It´s so painful to see him like this...and only hundred days passed. Poor guy...poor vampire.
I know... it just had to be done. Riley's sad... but he's not heartbroken like Spike. A nice little comparison I thought. :-)  Thanks for reading!