Chapter: One-Shot

11/18/2008 12:46 am
very enjoyable read, thank you. you even made giles' change of heart ring true. ( i have a very negative picture of the watcher.)

11/10/2008 08:52 pm
Loved it...although I feel sorry for Mark.  Hopefully Giles eats that misstep.

11/10/2008 09:31 am
Simply Lovely!

11/09/2008 08:15 pm
Wonderful! The scene where Buffy ran to Spike was amazingly good writing. :) I could see it before me now... *sigh* Ah, true love..

11/09/2008 05:28 pm

11/09/2008 11:40 am
Bad Giles! How on earth did he think Buffy could be happy with an oblivious civil servant? I wonder why Buffy didn't bop him one. Love the ending, Buffy & Spike together at last and able to determine their own future.

11/09/2008 03:22 am
Loved the Giles betrayal SD - Buffy probably should have popped him in the nose.

11/09/2008 03:14 am
YAY !! Happy, Spuffy ending ! LIKED THIS ALOT:) :)

 Hate Giles for keeping them apart for so long, but he redeemed himself in the end . Can you imagine Buffy married to a normal civil servant who doesn't know what she is? LOL
 Lovely one-shot .. Thanx ;)

11/09/2008 03:07 am
Just the thing I was looking for this evening - thanks for sharing!

11/09/2008 02:59 am
 very good hate giles but good story