The Return by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: The Leader

Buffy Convert
07/11/2009 10:08 pm
     It's odd to see Riley actually nurturing Spike, But it does make sence, really. Riley is a good soldier & wants what's best for the troops. "The mission is what matters".

11/20/2008 03:47 pm
You're doing a great job with Riley, and I really am trying to have some sympathy with him.
Hehe, I'm glad to hear you're trying. :-) I'm actually starting to like him myself... Hehe.

11/20/2008 05:10 am
 amazing as always rileys becoming ok its wierd i usaly hate him anyway i cant wait till buffy comes back
Yay for Riley. He's not so bad after all, eh? :-) Thanks for reading!

11/20/2008 01:40 am
love it please update soon

Thank you - more soon.

11/19/2008 10:33 pm

You are on a roll. I can't imagine what a 'wake-up call' from Riley will look like to Spike though.  Thanks so much for the update!

Well, someone needed to do it :-) And poor Spike might just pay attention. Thanks for reading!

11/19/2008 08:49 pm
I absolutely love this chapter becuae it gives insight to why Riley was acting the way he is. I really liked that you had Riley be the one to give Spike the wake up call just for the fact that it seems somewhat right to have a person that did ont have to deal with the pain all summer to do it, and it would be something Riley would have done.
Yay! That was my cunning plan. :-) I wanted to show both sides - Dawn's POV and Riley's own. He's not so bad after all - as someone said, he always had good intentions.

11/19/2008 08:37 pm
Well you succeeded!  This time Riley actually SAW the man, the grieving man (and interesting how he accepts Spikes emotions as real as opposed to Giles and company!) and seems to have empathy.  This is a much nicer Riley than the one I saw on screen.  Well done!

I am really enjoying this story.  I don't think this has ever been done before and that makes it doubly delicious.

Yay for me! :-) I think it's easier to accept the emotions when they're so raw. Giles and co didn't believe Spike's love was real but I'm sure even they couldn't doubt his grief. I'm glad you like Riley!

I haven't seen anything like this either so I am enjoying exploiting it a lot. It's great trying to think about things from a different viewpoint. A lovely experience for me and I'm glad you are enjoying the finished product.