The Return by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Meetings

01/16/2009 02:44 pm
It is really nice to have Riley as an outside bystander to canon's events in this chapter.  Nice to see a take on Spike's reaction after Buffy had left him with the news.

Flames to dust
01/14/2009 08:41 pm

Spike always burning himself with the true.
I´m waiting for the revenge!! Slayer and Spike´s revenge!! ^^

I post the review of the next chapter first  ;P my fault ^^
Well, more chapters coming soon? ;DD I like this story so much!!

01/14/2009 06:42 pm
Like the handling of Riley's struggle for understanding and some bedrock reality.  An omniscient narrator wouldn't feel right.  I love his growing empathy for Spike. 

01/13/2009 08:24 am

Oh, I love this story! The Riley perspective really does wonders. This was a great chapter! I love how Spike gets emotional after Buffy tells him she was in heaven. I like how we get to see additional scenes through Riley.

And someone needs to give both Spike and Buffy a hug! They can give each other hugs. It can be a hug fest! Man, during all the pain of season six, why did they never hug??? I never got that... It would have made such cool stuff for pics...

Very cool pics indeed... I never saw them as the hugging type though, really. Especially as this point. But maybe it would have done them good ;-) Thanks for reading!

01/13/2009 06:11 am
What a neat place for Riley to be inserted into the story!  Spike is still the one she confided in, trusted with the truth. 

Great insight to how his presence might effect Buffy....he came back...most just left.  Wonder how that bit might impact her relationship with Spike later.  He came back.

Love this story, and cannot believe that I've come to like Riley!  He actually sees Spike and Spike's emotions when no one else does.  Interesting and oddly believable.

Yay for Riley!! :-) I like to think I'm redeeming him ever so slightly with this story. Not that I expect miracles! ;-)

As always, thanks for the plentiful feedback and I'm glad you're enjoying my flight of fancy.

01/13/2009 03:02 am
love it please update soon
Another update will be along before you know it! Thanks for reading.

01/13/2009 01:00 am
I really like this - being told from Riley's perspective.  It's a great idea.
Thank you! It makes things very interesting and I love writing from this different POV.

01/13/2009 12:09 am
I'm glad Buffy & Spike had their 'moment'. Of course Buffy has sworn him to secrecy, but I wonder if Spike intends to include Riley in the 'they must never know' thing?

Some things are still going to continue as normal and Buffy sharing her secret was definitely one I wanted to keep in here. Thanks for reading!

01/12/2009 10:54 pm
Riley is becoming more and more the observer - can't wait forhis tak on the Scoobies.
He's definitely got a ringside seat to the craziness of Season 6! :-) Thanks for reading.

01/12/2009 10:45 pm
I like how it's being seen by Riley's perspective. Funny how he feels even left behind by the outsider of the group Spike.
Even Spike knows what's going on better than Riley here. Poor Riley. His perspective is all the more interesting because of this though!

01/12/2009 09:27 pm
Thanks so much for the update - really happy to see it. Great chapter, I'm guessing by Spike's state when Riley found him, Buffy confided her secret.  Also, I have to say I like the way you're portraying Riley in this story, he's has depth of understanding that I don't  think we saw on the show. Thanks!
Yep, stole the end of Afterlife. :-) I think the writers used Riley for a certain role (the normal boyfriend who turns bad and leaves) and we never got to see much of him. I mean, with all that Psych he must have had some sort of better understanding. Glad you're liking him though - I like my Riley too :-)