The Return by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Change of Attitude

01/16/2009 05:18 pm
I'm  hoping Riley doesn't make a move on Buffy, but I suppose he has hopes.  It'll be interesting to see how well that goes down!
Of course he has hopes - it was the reason he returned in the first place. And he may well make a move... but that doesn't mean Buffy's going to be receptive to it now, does it?! ;-)

01/16/2009 03:03 pm
Ugh, my Spuffy heart cringes at the closing statement. 
Oh dear. Hehehe. Don't give up just yet...

01/16/2009 02:49 am
I don't know if this is what you intended, but I was quite sure this was Spike's POV, it was a shock when I figured out it was Riley.  I LOVE surprises!  :)
Hehehe, not what I intended - but I'm glad you liked!

01/16/2009 01:14 am
I think Riley is seeing more along the way of "things I would like to see" instead of her reality. 

Terrific Story -

Just like everyone else really... Thanks for reading. I'm glad you like (and I'm still loving your banner)

01/16/2009 12:27 am
Something tells me it's Spike's Buffy that is back, not Riley's. Buffy doesn't seem particularly interested in spending time with him, thank goodness... His reaction to the 'exploding lint' incident wasn't exactly stellar, was it?
Definitely not the Buffy that Riley was with.. Poor man. :-) Thanks for reading.

01/15/2009 11:30 pm
Ah she has firmly put her mask on and he's wanting to buy into it as reality.  Seems that Spike is the only one to see and admit the truth still.

Too bad he didn't get a look at that gadget they might have had a good force against Warren with Riley's background.

True, he might have been to figure out what it was!

Buffy was very good at putting on her show though - even her friends didn't notice how much she was struggling. Spike always was extra-perceptive though (guess that happens after 100+ years). Thanks as always for reading and reviewing!

01/15/2009 10:46 pm
I like this story and the Riley POV is interesting. But???, where the hell is Spike???
He's around, promise - in fact he is in the very next chapter!! Thanks for reading.

01/15/2009 08:00 pm
love it please update soon

01/15/2009 07:28 pm
okay, so, i'm starting to worry here.  all we really see is riley's interaction with buffy, but no spike, it looks to me like this isn't going to turn out being spuffy, but since it's on this site, i hope i wouldn't have to worry about that.  i may like this riley a bit better than usual, but i still don't want them together.  i'm still worried about the buffy/other and even though we didn't see it, i like that she still confided to spike about being in heaven, that gives me some hope.
No need to worry, I promise! I wouldn't do that to you :-) It's just a matter of finding convenient Spike/Buffy interaction to insert Riley into. The next chapter should make you feel a bit better, I hope. Thanks for reading!