The Return by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Emotional Tug Of War

02/01/2009 02:58 pm
Introspective Buffy hits some hard truths.  Looking forward to the next chapter to see what she does with these. 
She's definitely hit the nail on the head on some points. Glad you enjoyed. More to come.

01/31/2009 10:40 pm
Well done

01/30/2009 11:52 pm
don't see the dilemma. buffy has already dismissed riley in the early part of her deliberations.  very good chapter, thank you.
She doesn't want to hurt anyone though... Thanks for reading!

01/30/2009 11:27 pm
Yikes!  That's torn it.  I hope Buffy's not hankering after He-who-shall-not-be-named.

01/30/2009 01:05 pm


You've written one perfect in character respectful to character story. I'll certainly rec it in the next Buffyversetop5 round by the end of 2009. I think you need to post it on LJ, make more fans aware of it.

Seriously, after reading too much Riley-bashing Spuffy, I applaud to your amazing story that treats characters with respect and doesn't go down the line of cheap character bashing.


Thanks sosa lola! Sometimes bashing can be fun (especially when it's Angel - hehe) but it's been done a million zillion times. :-) It was time to try something new. I'm trying my best to get this out there but LJ just isn't my thing :-) Thanks for your comments though,

01/29/2009 08:20 am
Powerful Ending -

01/29/2009 08:17 am
Excellent new chapter -

I really like this line - it fits both of them perfectly in this part of their lives. 

"He wore his mask just as well as she did, hiding his fears and weaknesses behind an attitude and a leather jacket"

The Riley-Buffy introspection is another particularly good section - it reads so "real life" - one of the hardest things to face is a love that is lost and has changed from love and passion to beautiful friendships or wonderful memories.  When that happens it can be so much heart ache and no matter how much you wish things were still the same, mostly you can never go back there.

I am so honored to have my image be part of your excellent story - I am very open to doing a revised version as your story changes if you want. 
I was always convinced that Spike was mostly bravado and not much else. :-)

Another banner??? Yes please!! The answer is always yes please. I adore your work and it gives a nice visual to the story.

01/29/2009 03:57 am
Fabulous job weighing the pros and cons of her suitors. Though I think she's under estimating Spike.

Also, thanks for that bit of "Going Through The Motions". Now I can't stop singing it. My family thanks you! haha!
Hahaha. Sorry SanityFair's family. I hope you at least have a decent singing voice ;-)

Definitely underestimating Spike - but then isn't that so typical Buffy? Thank you for reading!

01/29/2009 03:15 am
Oh great way to compare the pros and cons and get a look at her emotional instability at the moment.  I think if she had said these things to Spike, even in canon, he would have accepted and not pushed.  Riley, even in canon had he been there, would have wanted to "take care of her" and would have smothered her.

No first kiss yet LOL.  Makes perfect sense with the changes you've made.  Very nice alterations with the core of canon in place.


Nope, not playing kissyface yet ;-) Putting Riley in the mix though confuses things (at least for poor ole Buffy, who thinks too much) - plus there's the emotional instability you mention. She really wasn't in a good place around this time in S6 (or all of it, really). Glad you liked the mix of canon and my own twist. Thanks for reading!

01/29/2009 02:52 am
Glad to learn that Buffy doesn't want Riley, but if she doesn't choose Spike, who she gonna choose?
Difficult decisions to make, for sure! Thanks for reading.

01/29/2009 12:53 am
I immediately fell in love with this chapter when I read the title. Then I read the actual content. First of all, Buffy POV, and wow, what it does! It's amazing to have the Buffy view on all this emotional turmoil after so much of Riley's feelings being the only thing we are open to. You did a fantastic job portraying her pain and the inner conflict she is fighting. Truly beautiful chapter that could almost stand alone. Well, except for the fact that it's needed to advance the plot and all. =D
I'm glad to hear even the title won you over ;-) It was definitely time to see what was going on from Buffy's POV, and this seemed the perfect place to put it. She was so all over the place in OMWF and that couldn't have been captured as well from Riley's POV. Anyway, thanks for reading and I'm glad you liked it so much!

01/29/2009 12:39 am
love it please update soon

Thank you! More to come soon.

01/28/2009 11:49 pm

Please Please don't let Buffy get backtogether with Riley please.

No worries. I'm not that cruel. Spuffy forever, and all that :-)

01/28/2009 09:51 pm
oh, come on, the choice is so obvious.  she really does think too much.
Silly silly Buffy *shakes head* :-)

Flames to dust
01/28/2009 09:25 pm

Buffy thinking always gives a headache.
Well, nobody said that she should to choose between them two, right?

Waiting already for the following chapter ... but already!! ^^

Yeah, time to stop thinking and act ;-) Glad you're enjoying!