The Return by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Shattered Dreams

Buffy Convert
07/11/2009 10:46 pm
     Poor Riley. But I don't know why he can't simply see the truth: you love who you love. That's just how it is.

02/07/2009 06:33 pm
Yay!  Finally all out Spuffy!

02/05/2009 01:40 am
Oh Spuffy kissage at last. Yay! can't help feeling a wee bit sorry for Riley even though he really should have known he didn't really have a chance with her.

02/05/2009 01:09 am

Oh. My. Gosh. I love it! I so wanted to know what Spike and Buffy were whispering about, but now I just want to know what happened between them after the spell was lifted!!! But oh me gosh, that was fantastic. What a way to end the chapter. And again you make me feel sorry for Riley. That is such a foreign feeling for me! But I absolutely adored the chapter!!!

02/04/2009 11:57 pm
felt a tad sad for riley. i'll recover quickly. very good read, thank you.

02/04/2009 11:44 pm
I do feel sort of bad for Riley 'cause, overall, he's actually an okay guy but...I was sooo happy that this chappie ended with a Spuffy kiss!!! 

02/04/2009 10:12 pm
I very much like this version of Tabula Rasa. Great job. I'm actually feeling sorry for Riley at the end. I hope he's become the type of man who won't try and break them up. Unlike AYW which stunk to high heaven of him framing Spike.

Flames to dust
02/04/2009 09:08 pm
Nice the "Battle of the Names."
Shorty 'Tabula Rasa' but, hey. kisses for the couple... and tears for the 'boy scout.' Yeah, I´m bad... but I like it. ;DD

And the next chapter is... near or right here?
Good job.^^

02/04/2009 05:05 pm

02/04/2009 04:33 pm

Thanks for the two updates!  I can't believe I'm saying this, poor Riley. Looking forward to seeing Buffy's POV on the matter.

02/04/2009 04:25 pm
Riley is a realist at least.  His instincts have been telling him the lay of the land and now events have proven them.  Buffy might not be ready to admit her feelings but Riley has seen them (and KNOWS Spike loves Buffy in truth).

Won't take them long to put two and two together and confront Willow.  Buffy could have been killed!  That is true in canon as well as this story.

Great updates....thanks for 2!!  Good luck at the job and we'll be here when you are able to post.


02/04/2009 03:17 pm