The Return by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Invisible

Buffy Convert
07/11/2009 11:07 pm
     No, Buffy; in the real world a woman is allowed to have a happy relationship with the man who loves her most. What you're calling the real world isn't.

05/29/2009 07:19 pm
That's certainly a different take!  And good for Riley for taking it so well.

05/21/2009 02:06 am
Oh, loved this version of Gone! It was awesome. Now Riley knows... at least he should if he has a brain. This invisible!Buffy Spuffy was cuter though. Very much awesome.

04/27/2009 04:33 am
entertaining change to the episode. well done, thank you.

04/24/2009 04:50 pm
I really like your Riley - just the right touch of saddness over his loss of his relationship with Buffy and a more mature man -