Change Partners and Dance by dreamweaver
Chapter: Chapter 8

05/15/2009 11:06 pm
The chapter after this* ^^ And now I`m spamming you again, lol.
Not spam!  I'm just delighted that you like it so much!

05/15/2009 11:05 pm
I loved everything about this chapter!! :D, the heart to heart between Buffy and Joyce was so sweet, and the end was just perfect.

I love the way you write Buffy and Spike!, they stay som true to their characters.

*Runs to read chapter two*.
Oh, thank you!  They're all so real to me.

05/15/2009 03:19 pm
Excellent chapter! So glad she gave him a chance! But Spike makes me sad. He'll accept anything from her no matter how small.
You know Spike.  Even a crumb will do.  Love the man.  I'm so glad you liked it!

TIme of Change
05/15/2009 03:16 pm
Great story.  I love the passion, and the Firoud.
I'm so glad you liked it!  Thank you!  I'm fond of those Firoud and keep putting them in.

05/15/2009 01:11 pm
Oh yes! Wonderful. More please. I want to 'see' Xander's head explode when he hears! And what's Giles going to say?
That's coming up!  :D  Thank you for liking it!

05/15/2009 07:48 am
Wow, that was hot. I am really enjoying this story. Thanks!
I'm so glad you like it!  Thank you!

05/15/2009 02:40 am
Really love these characters. I like the vulnerable Buffy, never tried a fic set early in the series but this one's caught me. Keep it going!
Thank you!  I never thought of writing a Season 1 fic because Spike wouldn't be in it, then the idea of Spike being there and how his methods would compare with Angel's grabbed me.  I'm so glad you like it!

05/15/2009 02:34 am
Wonderful, simply wonderful.  I wonder what will happen when the rest of the gang find out-will they be accepting of Spike of try to slay him?  Looking forward to the next update!
You know the gang - always trouble.  I'm so glad you're liking this!  Thank you!

05/15/2009 02:33 am
love joyce's talk with buffy. very glad to see buffy not wallowing in denial. very good read, thank you.
Joyce's words and Spike's vulnerability reached her.  Thank you for liking it!

05/15/2009 02:13 am
I say again: well. This is wonderful and passionate and filled with just the sorts of little misunderstanding (and understandings) that would be likely to come up.

It was inevitable that I should love you.” His lips twisted. “I have, you see, a fatal attraction to the best.

His vulnerability and openness make her equally vulnerable. She can't be hard in the face of his softness.

I love the Buffy/Joyce interactions in this. So cute!
Spike was always so vulnerable and open that I never could understand how canon-Buffy could be so hard.  Here, at least being young and undamaged allowed her to act better.  Thank you for liking it!