The Return by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Secrets Revealed

Buffy Convert
07/11/2009 11:16 pm
     Hey, I've an idea. Finn could pretend to be gay, just for a few hours. You know, in the spirit of solidarity and all that. Might even take?

05/29/2009 07:31 pm
Wow!  Such a perfect gentleman is Riley!  Patently unbelievable but nice.

05/25/2009 01:27 pm
I love your Spike and Riley friendship.  I love how you build up his interactions with the rest of the gang and the fact that it is all plausible!!

It's really well written and has me totally hooked and waiting for more!!
Glad to hear it! There is more already... Thanks for reading.

05/23/2009 04:26 am
Lovely!  So Riley is actually putting Buffy's happiness top of the list and he admits that Spike is a good man.....good for him!

Happy to see this one again.  RL can really mess up a writing schedule so happy you found time!

Thank you! I seemed to have recovered some of my inspiration! Glad you liked.

05/21/2009 03:05 am
Aw! Okay, I officially remove your Riley from the stock of my thrown out Rileys. I could seriously kiss him right now. The conversation they had was so good for Buffy. Riley's actually a really good friend, to Buffy and to Spike (which is still slightly weird). I wonder if they'll still get stuck in the house and if everything is as choatic. And I really can't wait to see Buffy tell the gang, seeing as Riley already does. I'm really looking forward to Giles' reaction most of all to tell the truth. Anyhow, fabulous chapter! Can't wait to see what you have in store next!
Yay! I love this Riley now I've made him my own. He's definitely a good influence - and a good friend. Yay for Riley! Glad you're enjoying this.

05/21/2009 01:34 am
What a lovely gesture on Riley's part!  I'm hoping that will go  a long way in Buffy's book. Thank you so much for the update. I've certainly been missing this story!
Sorry for the delay. I got stuck :-s I really wanted Riley to be in the Spuffy camp in this - and hopefully balance out the reaction of her friends.

05/20/2009 11:57 pm
I've just caught up with a few updates I'd missed and have to say that I like the way that Riley's turned out. He appears to have become the voice of reason. More please.
In the mess of Season 6, someone had to be!! :-) Hopefully it can bring some positive changes... Thanks for reading!

05/20/2009 09:59 pm
Okay, you did the unthinkable, you made me like!  Honestly, I never really had much of a problem with him on the show, but rarely do I read a fiction that has me like him, so kudos to you.  If Riley can accept them, then the others should be able to.  I just hope Buffy won't keep it a secret for much longer, I already like how things are different from the show.
Yay!!! You know what, I'm sure when I started this story, he was going to be a bad guy... but somehow this happened and even I'm not sure how :-) Let's just hope his acceptance can give Buffy the courage to come out... Thanks for reading!!

05/20/2009 09:46 pm
love it please update soon
I'll try my best!! Thanks for reading. Glad to see you're still keeping with me!