Fumbling Towards Ecstasy by lovesbitch91
Chapter: Wait

11/12/2009 03:12 am
Your writing style is really nice--almost poetic at times. It is a joy to read your use of words. Here is a sample of one of your lines:
"There were no tall shadows disgorging demons, no fresh graves churning with fledgling vampires."  Marvelous!
I struggled so much with that line, it was ridiculous. But i'm glad I pulled it off so well! Thanks!

09/27/2009 06:24 am
Very awkward for Buffy. It's a shame that everyone is so caught up in their own feelings not to notice. Interesting that a new slayer was called. Explanation forthcoming?
Probably not. It's just an idea I've had that there should've been another Slayer. But for this story, I'm taking it on faith - and hoping everyone else can,too - that, for whatever reasons, Buffy's death triggered another Slayer to be called.

09/21/2009 03:57 am
Loved the Spike/Buffy scene. 
Thank you!

09/16/2009 03:14 pm
I hope the crying helped Buffy a bit.
Getting a salary is good but seeing Giles being the other girl's slayer must have hurt.
It does. Hurt, I mean.

09/16/2009 07:28 am
I hope you will continue this - I like it:)
I've actually got most of the chapters already written- I'm just purposefully spacing out the updates. :-)