Fumbling Towards Ecstasy by lovesbitch91
Chapter: Building a Mystery

06/01/2010 08:24 pm

10/03/2009 09:33 pm
very good chapter, thank you
Thank you for taking the time to leave a review!

09/27/2009 06:28 am
Very nicely done of her own volition.
They just seem to write themselves sometimes, and I have no idea how, y'know? Thanks for the review!

09/25/2009 11:33 pm
She knows, but does she really? Thanks for the great update!
Haha, don't ask me - if she doesn't know, I don't think I do either... which is kinda weird.

09/25/2009 01:14 pm
A big promise Spike made to Buffy ("You are going to grow old and die happy, I promise you.") but hard to keep I guess. You can only try though to make it come true.
Hopefully Buffy won't regret getting near to Spike; because that would hurt him, again.
Trying not to hurt Spike, a lot. But sometimes it happens and then I just want to kick myself. :-)