Third Time's the Charm by zennjenn
Chapter: Count Chocula

07/18/2010 06:56 am

10/24/2009 12:27 am
It really sounds as if becoming human was the best for Angel.
But not the best for Buffy, Spike still has to see that. And hopefully Willow will find something.
Well, it was what he'd always wanted and really, fun happy stories should be about people getting what they want! :0)  And she does!!!  Thank you so much for reading!

10/23/2009 04:32 pm

Everyone keeps asking Spike what he thinks he is doing but of course Spike thinks he is doing what is right for Buffy even if it is not right for him, oh our poor boy - on to the next chapter!

:0)  I think that's one of the most striking aspects of his character and his humanity.  Would someone evil do what's best for someone else, putting their own needs aside in the process?  Man, I so hope you like the end!  Now I'm nervous....!!! :0)

10/22/2009 01:01 pm
Please don't stop writind and update more often.
Thank you!  The good thing is that I've been feeling the urge to write again so we'll see where that goes! I'll update as often as I can. Thank you so much for sticking with my story.

10/22/2009 05:16 am
Very good chapters.  Spike is an idiot and I can understand why he did what he did but I know that this will turn out all right.  I could never stand Buffy and Angel together. 
Thank you!  Glad that you enjoyed them.  Yeap - he's an idiot but you are correct - I will all turn out all right and Angel - ewww!

Thanks for reading and commenting!

10/22/2009 03:16 am
I like this carving out time to post plan you have, I vote you should do it more often. :)

Well. That was a little awkward, and weird, and Spike's departure, while not unexpected, still produced a little twinge of deep empathy.. .and an urge to join in calling him an idiot. lol And I have every faith that you'll make it so Buffy will have get to have her Count Chocula and eat him, too, it's just convincing HIM of that. :D (I love the cereal analogy, btw!)

Back to (sort of) patiently waiting for your next update(s)!
LOL - I'm carving out some time tonight!  Again!  Reruns on of Fringe and Vampire Diaries!  And I'm feeling the urge to write again...which I haven't done since I wrote Ashes.

And yes - she'll get her Count Chocula and eat it too!  Yeah for 80s breakfast cereals!!

Thanks for reading and commenting.  It's always a joy to read your comments!