Coming Back Wrong by dreamweaver
Chapter: Chapter 1

11/17/2009 10:08 pm
 Holy shit! I love it!
Thank you!  I'm so glad!

11/17/2009 01:25 am
 Okay- I didn't see that coming.  I very much like Buffy 
 and your use of quotes. Looking forward to the next chapters.
She's learned after losing Spike.  I'm so glad you're enjoying it!  Thank you!

11/16/2009 03:17 am
So that is how he came back wrong--lost his memory?  I love it!  Buffy finally realizes she loves him, and he doesn't even know who she is!  I can't wait to see what you are going to do next.  Great start!
I thought that would be different.  :)  I'm so glad you like it!  Thank you!

11/15/2009 12:19 am
Gah! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! I'm on the edge of my seat for more!!!
I'm so glad you're liking it!  Thank you!  More coming.

11/14/2009 09:14 pm
Yes another story! :O And this one past season six! A great start! Looking forward to the other chapters! Ahhh, Spike's memory is gone! Hope it doesn't come back little by little, cause some of his memories aren't pleasant. Not to mention he could remember them wrong.
I hadn't explored this season yet and thought it would be fun.  I'm so glad you're liking it!

11/14/2009 08:26 pm
  Now that could be a problem.  Spike with no memories could put a damper on their happy reunion. 

  I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with this.
Thank you!  I'm so glad you're liking it!

11/14/2009 03:54 pm
Oooohhhh, you're just EVIL to leave it like that!!!  I thought from the title he was going to come back evil again or something, but this is SOOOO much better!!!!  GIMME MORE!!!  LOL!
Spike wouldn't think that coming back evil would be wrong. :)  Coming back saintly or without his memory would be, from his point of view.  A saintly Spike would be no fun, soooo...I'm so glad you're liking it!  Thank you!

11/14/2009 12:10 pm
Oh! I love this! Please update soon! I really like how you use the language, and I look forward to amnesia Spike with loving Buffy!
Thank you!  I'm so glad you like it!  I thought a Spike without his memory might be fun to explore.