Origins by Niamh
Chapter: Part 9

11/08/2006 07:52 am
46 -- i can see this is quickly reaching a boiling point...hope wes doesn't get in any trouble for his part in this....and willow's plan cant be of the good :( looking forward to more, love :)

11/08/2006 07:46 am
45 -- there ya go, giles..finally figured it out...i hope angel doesn't cause a lot of trouble for them...but that may be hoping too much....looking forward to reading more :)

11/08/2006 07:40 am
44 -- wow that was creepy...i cant believe she did that! and terribly disturbing, wonder what she'll get up to next...i hope dawn's not in any danger, having witnessed her intrusion...great chapter, love :)

11/08/2006 07:32 am
43 -- poor buffy, she's still got a lot of pain to deal with...i'm glad for tara, though, that she has support through the breakup...great chapter :)

11/05/2006 01:54 am
42 -- so dawn's making some glad tara left willow there, but what's willow going to do now...?? you keep making me nervous with these chapters, love...but they're still awesome!!! great job :)

11/05/2006 01:32 am
41 -- i love that last little scene with dawn and wes :)...this chapter was very well done, and willow's thoughts seem a bit ominous to me...if she managed to stop time for everyone else just by thinking that she was late...what might she accidentally do to spike, just thinking that buffy's better off without him? *bites nails*
great chapter, pet :)

06/29/2006 03:32 pm
So the they wanted Angel's help to set up Spike. Can't wait for them to get what's coming to them. Thank you this story, it ROCKS!

06/29/2006 12:23 pm
Chapter 45 - I like the conflict you are setting up with Wes and Angel, how Wes feels welcome and how he played on words about the new slayer :-) yeah Giles for figuring out that Buffy had been in heaven.

Chapter 46 - Oh oh this chapter was sooooooo gooD! everyone's reaction about Buffy being in Heaven was well done, the remorse, Spike being right - and the last line's about Darla and Angel! Perfect! I love it!

06/29/2006 12:06 pm
Chapter 43 - Excellant Chapter I am glad that tara is moving into the basement and not leaving the Scoobies house. Willow keeps diggin a depper and deeper hole for herself. *Shakes head*

Chapter 44 - I cna;t believe Willow wacthed/listened how creepy!

06/29/2006 12:06 pm
Chapter 43 - Excellant Chapter I am glad that tara is moving into the basement and not leaving the Scoobies house. Willow keeps diggin a depper and deeper hole for herself. *Shakes head*

Chapter 44 - I cna;t believe Willow wacthed/listened how creepy!

06/29/2006 11:54 am
Chapter 41 - LMAO of Dawn offering Wesley the mallot. I so love Wes, such a great character in this. I can't believe Willow she doesn't deserve Tara at all. Hopefuly Tara (and Anya) will come to realize that what they have is not love. They may love thier others but people who love you back do not treat you like they have been treating you.

Chapter 42 - Ohhh I am so glad that Tara told off Willow and that she told her she couldn't be with someone she didn;t trust. Willow doesn't deserve someone as wonderful as Tara. Hopefully Anya will make a similiar decision soon as Xander's actions towards Anya are unforgiveable. Mental abuse is still mental abuse!