Too Late by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Broken glass

09/17/2013 10:58 pm
  Whew, Well can't say I didn't see Spike dusting hi.self coming, but that was about as dramatic as possible.  In a good way.

  Angels' self fladulation was even tough to take as well there.

  I dig your writing , your killin me with this one.
Thank you! Sorry about the killing though...

09/26/2011 07:48 am

OMG - I love your story already - it has connected with my heart from the first chapter - I very glad that I read your other works first - somehow makes this, even just these first two chapters, very special.

Thank you! I know some people thought it was pretty abrupt, but I had my own mental challenge - start with two dead main characters, and go from there. 

02/19/2011 08:01 pm
Glad that at least Angel is stepping in this chapter's title at least...

02/16/2011 11:09 pm

This is exactly how Angel should be reacting and feeling, well done on the characterisation and conversation between him and Wesley. Really enjoying your writing.  

Thanks so much!

02/16/2011 01:07 am
More soon please!!