Embers by coalitiongirl
Chapter: Chapter 8

04/17/2011 11:54 pm
Please update before I slay myself because of the suspense. Thank you.

04/03/2011 01:25 am

very well written chapter, so much between them - so close but so far apart; your writing is intense and emotional and compusive reading. Will still be here for the next chapters when you have the time. Great work.

04/02/2011 06:15 am
Great chapter. I love the allusions to the comics and how you make them fit into the story without trying to rewrite what happened in season 8. This story feels fresh and organic. Can't wait for the next update.

04/01/2011 08:16 pm
This is quickly turning into my favorite fic ever. Seriously. You are my God, I bow before you.