If a Certain Slayer... by BloodEnvy
Chapter: Group Meeting

08/22/2011 04:11 am

Loved Harmony.  Can Buffy yell at Angel now cause I wouldn't want to miss that.  :)

Glad you liked her, I wanted her to seem authentic. Check out the new chapter... Angel gets shut down majorly lol

07/07/2011 07:21 pm
Text   And then he was yelling at Angel and... God, she was so beautiful.”

I think you meant she.

I'm intrigued. Look forward to seeing what direction you take. Like the point in time you've begun your story
Sorry, I'll fix that now lol.
Thanks for reading, and editing, I'm glad you're enjoying it. I hope the direction won't disappoint you, but when I write it sort of just goes by itself. I seem to have very little control over what I write lol

07/07/2011 04:21 pm

This was sort of amusing.

I'm sort of happ you think so.

Thanks =]

07/06/2011 08:21 pm
Just caught up with this one.  It's the perfect time for Buffy to arrive, and I love the kick-ass slayer mood.
I always love the Buffy that is able to kick Angel's ass with a few choice phrases. I was watching the episode, and that line of Spike's "Certain Slayer..." was just too perfect to give up. Please keep reading! XD