Misplaced by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 5

11/28/2011 01:47 am
Those idiots over react to everything! I swear where do they get the thought that they have the right to disinvite anyone from Buffy's house?!! It pisses me off on her behalf, they have no right to make that decision for her.

I have a feeling that since the mind swap there could be problems with the disinvite? Will it work with Buffy's mind in Spike's body and vice versa?
You'll just have to wait and see.... (but not too long)

11/27/2011 08:00 pm

As usual I'm late to the party - haven't found the time recently to get to read when I want, so here goes, truly terrific premise and great writing. I love the swap, love the way that they are seeing each others lives at first hand and experiencing the problems and curveballs they are each thrown. Now the scoobies have taken the action to disinvite Spike, what will happen when Buffy and Spike try to get in the door! I will definitely try to keep more up to date and read as posted, cos I need my Spike fix and your writing is perfect for getting that. Mucho gracias as they don't say here in Scotland!

I hate when I don't have time to get to do what I want (such as write) but I know the feeling - life gets in the way.

I am so glad you are tuned in again! I'll try to get your fix posted sooner rather than later.

11/27/2011 07:32 am
Xander Buffy is an adult, Willow I know I said I wasn’t going to use magic, but you still want to. Now I see why Dawn always late for school everyone is in & out that place like they own it. I wonder just how loud it going to get when they try their version of intervention on Buffy no on Spike now that funny. Can't wait!
Thanks! I promise I won't keep things waiting too long. 

11/27/2011 03:08 am

This is a great story.  I can't wait to see the scoobies reaction when Spike and Buffy come in the house.  Also it is very bold of Willow and Xander to think it is okay to perform a disinvite spell without speaking to Buffy.  You have written the characters perfectly.  I hope that Buffy does not just go along this time.  Please update soon.

Thank you so much! I will be updating very soon - hopefully today. 

11/27/2011 02:48 am
I guess it’s good that you didn’t.  LOL - Buffy isn't completely sure.  Great stuff and Happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks so much! Hope your Thanksgiving was good too!

11/27/2011 01:50 am
Thanks for the great update. I can't wait for the reation of the meddlesom duo. 
You are quite welcome. 

11/27/2011 01:32 am
I loved the conversation between Buffy and Spike, you have their voices pitch perfect and it went so well.  But will they be able to get in the house?  Can't wait to find out.
Thanks for the compliment!

We'll see what happens very soon....

11/27/2011 12:34 am
Also, I wonder who the invite spell will let in. Buffy-in-Spike, or Buffy's body? Or neither? Or both? Could make the reveal a bit more pressing. ;)
You'll just have to wait and see (but hopefully not too long)

11/26/2011 05:25 pm
I can hardly get enough of this! Please do continue!
I will! I promise!

11/26/2011 05:11 pm

I'm surprised Anya is all on board with the intervention thing. Would have thought she'd be less hysterical than Xander and Willow. I so wish Buffy would but them in their place. Starting with Willow moving out, who does she think she is to disinvite people from Buffy's house. Grhhhh they really drive me mad..
Looking forward to more.

I think Anya will probably get on the clue train sooner rather than later.

Glad you are enjoying it!

11/26/2011 05:03 pm
Text  I am enjoying this story so much. Please get Buffy to stand up for herself to Xander and Willow. I really think they need a comuppance so bad. And they really need to back off. But other than that good job.
Oh she will, never fear. It's just going to be a little while longer...

behind blue eyes
11/26/2011 04:36 pm

Another wonderful chapter.  This story gives a whole new meaning to "walk a mile in my shoes."  And Happy Turkey Day to you and yours!

I actually considered Walk a Mile as the title, but it's been used in various forms already, so I went for something else.

Thanks for the Turkey day wishes! If you also celebrate, eat, drink, and have leftovers!

11/26/2011 04:19 pm
Good for Buffy to hear some home truths from Spike, and accept them. Now the confrontation and intervention. Can't wait for the fun to start.... and to see if Buffy stands up for her choices!
We shall see! The Scoobies can be tough nuts to crack though...