Blood of the Sire by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Diagnosis

02/27/2012 08:14 am

The Buffy/Spike interaction is good and it's nice that she realize how much Anya is hurting. Now they know what they need, but how to get it? And will he have to drink the blood or will it be like when Spike used Angel to heal Dru?

Glad you like the interactions.

As for how to get what we need, well, we don't want to spoil the tale...

02/26/2012 09:24 pm

So now all we need is Drusilla, and how to find her. Nice lead up to the solution, the girls working together even if Willow is being kinda difficult. Thoughts of "naked Spike" almost stopped me reading - easily distracted just like Buffy! Good read.

LOL - sorry to distract you with thoughts of naked Spike.
Thanks for the review. That tricky little problem of how to find Drusilla is going to be fun to write about...

02/24/2012 10:18 pm
I knew this was coming, but it still had huge impact! I can't wait to see how Buffy manages this one.   Also, poor Anya.  She does get the short end this season in canon.  Loved it, can't wait to see where it goes.
Thanks so much for the review! I'm working on the next chapter as fast as I can!

02/24/2012 01:43 pm
So some research has actually come good! Yay! Willow might be being a bit sceptical, but at least she's helping. Now to figure out how to find Drusilla. Just as long as this doesn't involve Angel getting pulled in to the proceedings... that would not be Pretty...
We shall have to see. How does one find a single vampire in the whole world?

02/24/2012 01:52 am
Wow Willow is being kind of cold isn't she. I mean not an ounce of sympathy for Anya or Spike. Xander's hurting? He caused the hurt, how about the woman he left at the altar? And Spike I mean she patrolled with him all summer. Not an smidge of sympathy for a guy wasting away. I don't think finding Dru is going to be easy. And she probably wont want to help. Spike did tell her to get lost the year before.
Finding Dru will be the challenge.

Willow's not completely unsympathetic, but it always seemed like her loyalty to Xander was her fallback position. She spent a lot of season 6 very caught up in her own problems, which distracted her from her usual good nature. It made her more annoying, but more interesting as well. I always like a good flawed character.