Blood of the Sire by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Discussions

07/13/2012 04:44 pm
Ahh, nothing like an explosive release of tension.  Okay, that sounded dirty, but the concept still applies.  Buffy *needed* to get all that out in the open.  Good for her, and good for you for making it believable enough that I got teary-eyed.
Thanks ever so! There were so many points in the show where I wanted to scream "Tell them what you feel already!!!" I try to get those things to happen in my stories.

04/13/2012 04:03 pm
Wow, this was loooong overdue.  I'm so glad to see Buffy letting it out, though.  She'll be healthier for it and it looks like Willow at least will get a clue and be the friend that she needs to be.
Well, the clue train always comes slowly for Willow. But there is hope...

03/13/2012 01:49 am
Good Heavens Gwendolyn!  Great chapter.

Buffy was seriously considering seeing if his head would fit in the fryolator  -  Yes - please dunk his head in boiling grease!  The fans need this!

I know how Buffy feels. I used to sling burgers to put myself through college. There were a few coworkers I could have cheerfully deepfried. 

03/08/2012 11:48 pm

Nice insights to where everyone is at this point. I especially liked Buffy getting it all out, Giles and Willow needed some home truths and it was touching how Spike felt about Buffy's admission. Reading your fics is so therapeutic after a work day, thanks.

I am so glad to help out with a long work day.

My own long work days have prevented me from posting as fast as I would like, but I am plugging away at the next chapter during every free moment!

03/08/2012 06:16 pm
YES! Finally she told two of them off! All that's left is Xander and maybe yelling at Angel one more time! Maybe now finally Willow will get it. She just does whatever the hell she wants. Now she might think before she pulls anymore crap on Buffy.
So glad you liked it! And yeah, you know me so well, but a little Xander yelling is definitely in order. 

03/07/2012 07:19 am

Loved Buffy's outburst. Looking forward to Spike's reaction.

I am doing the polish work on Spike's reaction as we speak, er, type. 

03/06/2012 09:59 pm

YAY!  Go Buffy!!!

So glad you liked it!

03/06/2012 09:07 pm
Wow, it needed to be said, or um, screamed, at some point.  Feeling very cut up for Willow and Buffy.
They'll both survive in the end. I think...

03/06/2012 12:51 pm
Typical 'intervention' from Xander & Willow and believeable reaction from Giles. Thank goodness Buffy finally got so pissed off she was honest with Willow. I wonder if Spike still has something of Dru's that could be used for a locator spell? Looking forward to Spike's reaction to Buffy's rant, and whatever plan they come up with...
I will make sure Spike's reaction and the plan get committed to the computer ASAP!

03/06/2012 12:10 pm

Good work on Willows thoughts. Willow means well, but she wants everyone to be happy with everything and that's not possible. But it seems like she could be able to change her ways. Giles is acting like expected, he had to suffer because of Angelus and Drusilla, so of course he has a lot of personal issues about this.  

Willow does mean well, but absolute power does that whole corrupting thing, doesn't it?

Thanks for the review. Glad it's working so far!

03/06/2012 10:15 am
Go Buffy!  I'm glad she's straightened Giles out ,  bIut  doubt Wilow will ever understand that she's not the fount of all knowledge when it comes to how Buffy should live.  She's really good at sponging off her though.
Glad you liked it. I was unsure about the interaction with Giles at first!

03/06/2012 09:30 am
I think Giles and the others tends ignore that Buffy is still a girl with alot on her shoulders. She want to go to college and have life, but besides her duty as been a slayer having to take care of Dawn and herself is just as important what they want to neglect what she has to do and just be a slayer. How about the council do their duty and pay Buffy like they pay Watchers. Willow needs to get a job to help out if wants to continue to live in Buffy's house. And Xander nobody feels sorry for you, because when it c comes to Buffy relationships he get vocal so why couldn't you just tell Anya how he felt. Liked the way this chapter ended can wait for more!
I think I like watching season 6 so much, especially when I'm stressed, because I can say to myself, "Life may suck, but at least it doesn't suck as bad as this chick's does." LOL. 

Glad you are enjoying it. I will get straight to work on the next chapter. 

03/06/2012 04:41 am
I am enjoying this plotline a lot. I especially loved the yelling of willow and the complete snark of giles. I know the reasons why they had to write a story line of giles leaving but the reasons were totally screwed. I don't know anyone who would have left a person they professed to love in the condition that Buffy was in. I like authors who do not excuse the leaving. So hurry up and update soon.
I am so glad you are enjoying it. Giles leaving irritated me during the show, and when he came back in Season 7 it was even more annoying. Is she the chosen one, or not? And if she is, as you claim, Mr. Watcher, then for God's sake get off her back already!

I will type as fast as my fingers and regular paid employment allow!