Fallen Angels by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 4

11/17/2012 08:08 pm
I have to say that this disconnected/innocent version of Buffy is kinda interesting, I mean I can't wait until she starts remembering more, but her outlook on the surroundings is rather fascinating.
I did find it fun to write that way. It was a challenge, but definitely made me think 

08/21/2012 03:44 pm
I am loving this story. I think you write Buffy's thoughts in a very beautiful and believable way. I can't wait to read more.
Thank you so  much! Read on, MacDuff!

06/16/2012 04:18 pm
Good to see some improvement.  I just hope it continues without interference from the Scoobs.  And I hope Buffy won't be too hard on Spike.
Well, you know the Scoobies need to get in there. Otherwise, it would be boring....

06/06/2012 04:58 am
I really love resurrection fics.  And you write so well.  I found myself completely immersed in this, and definitely wanting more.  Please update soon! =)
Thank you so very much! I really appreciate the encouragement. i'll do my best to update ASAP, but I am traveling and it's tough. 

06/05/2012 03:05 am

Very sweet and sad.  Can Buffy have a psycho episode and strangle Willow?  Sure to be an audience pleaser.

LOL, that would be fun. But I'm not sure I could pull that off. 

06/03/2012 04:35 pm
Ahhh...Spike reading to her...so sweet. Love the way post resurrection Buffy is responding to Spike.Of course, I do wonder though how she will feel if/when all her memory returns. Look forward to more.
Thanks so much. I am doing my best to get the next chapter in shape as soon as possible. 

06/02/2012 11:17 pm

late to the party but glad I made it! Every time I have read one of your fics I always have wanted more at the end of each chapter and this one is no exception. Beautiful use of language and descriptions, and sonnets from Shakespeare - your writing is of the highest standard as usual. Spike is just the way he would be and the scoobies are acting like the idiots they could be (I exclude Tara from that as she usually seemed level-headed). I know you are good at updating - so I am looking forward to the next chapter soon.

Thank you so, so much! I hope I can get the next chapter up soon enough to keep you going, but I'm traveling so it may take longer than I'd like. Please be patient! 

06/02/2012 09:56 pm

very interesting take on the story. i am really enjoying it! i sure hope she and spike win in the end over her stupid, awful friends!

Thanks for the kind review. I think she and Spike will win in the end, but I'm going to have to get writing to find out!

05/31/2012 09:51 pm
I loved the idea of him reading to her. That was great. I shudder at the thought of her being dragged away from him. I know you will make everything all right, but it's disconcerting. Thanks for the update.
You are quite welcome. I will do my level best to make everything alright in the end. 

05/31/2012 01:49 pm
They are going to bugger this up big time. They just can't stand it that she is comfortable with Spike. It's jealously pure and simple. If they took one damn minute and watched how the two of them interacted they would see that Spike is always calm and quiet with her. Unlike them. They rush her and yell when they are near her. It doesn't even matter that Buffy knows that Willow is the one who ripped her out of heaven. They just don't care what is actually best for her or they would make sure she can stay with Spike one way or another.

I can see bad things happening if Buffy calls Spike "Angel" she won't be referring to Angel but knowing her friends they will call him. Spike will be upset thinking she wants Angel. And Buffy will think she angered Spike. Plus her friends are going to basically kidnap her! If she freaks when she sees them when she is with Spike what do they think is going to happen when she wakes up after they knock her out without him?! Stupid immature children.
I always wondered how much was jealousy, and how much was just rigidity of thinking. Their personal experiences had led them to the mindset of 'vampires = bad', and Angel becoming Angelus didn't help much. But yeah, they get a bee in their bonnet about something and no force on earth can deter them from their path. 

I hope you're still enjoying, despite the Scoobies! :)

05/31/2012 12:05 pm

I like the story very much and I want to read more, so please update as soon as you can.

I am so glad you like it! I will do my best to update quickly, but I will be visiting the Land of No Internet (my dad's house - the man won't touch a computer) so updates will occur if I can locate an internet cafe somewhere!

05/31/2012 11:51 am
Excellent progression. Shame that Spike didn't twig to Buffy's use of 'Hell', but I guess Willow had managed to convince all of them that Buffy was in Hell.
Thanks so much! I figured in After Life Spike shared that same delusion unitl Buffy enlightened him, so he could have the same misconception here. 

05/31/2012 10:44 am

Taking her away will not be good. She will freak out and calling after "her" angel and the Angel the other will bring won't help.

All of this is true. But therein lies the tale...

05/31/2012 09:17 am
Poor Buffy is so frantic, it's really well done.  Bringing Buffy home might well help but not by knocking her out!  Tara needs to talk to Spike as Willow will do what Willow wants anyway.
Thanks so much! Willow did have a headstrong streak a mile wide in Season 6 as I recall.