Fallen Angels by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 10

11/17/2012 09:26 pm
That was so sad! I hate that Buffy had to experience that hope and feel it being ripped away. The 'discussion' between Angel and Dawn though was awesome.
I did feel a little guilty about subjecting her to that. But it was necessary. 

07/29/2012 02:28 pm

I really liked Giles in this chapter.

Yeah, I decided to make Giles do the right thing. Glad you liked it!

07/24/2012 12:19 am
I'm really enjoying this story.  The dynamic of Spike, Dawn, and Giles as Buffy's protectors, with Willow (and maybe the Scoobies?) as a threat to her is an interesting one.  

I understand why they aren't, but I can't help but feel that the kindest thing to Buffy would be to "send her back."  One can't even really say she's suicidal -- she just doesn't understand why she's not in heaven.  One thing I think the show fell down on was showing how different her situation was from anything in real life, and it's quite obvious here.
So glad you are enjoying it!

And you have grasped the dilemma. The best thing to do would be to kill her and send her back, but everyone loves her too much to do that. Even the slayer of slayers can't slay 'er!

07/23/2012 08:16 pm

Great update. Xander and Willow are so clueless, I hate the fact that they have any influence over her situation at all. They're the ones that did this to her and they think they have the right to continue to play with her life..Grhhhh. Angel needs to leave, he obviously doesn't want to take the time to help her. He's just given up, as usual. At least Gile's appears to be acting in Buffy's best interests. Can't wait for more. 

Angel needs a little more talking to, and then I think I'll kick him out. :-)

07/23/2012 05:43 pm

I always found Willow disturbing in the argument she has with Giles during Flooded.  She was just so puffed up with power and arrogance in this scene, and you really captured that here in this chapter.  I think it's interesting that this argument took place in front of the others.  I hope that it frightens them into really seeing how the magic has changed Willow.  Everyone was in their own worlds in this season and it really bothered me that no one seemed to notice how much Willow had gone off the deep end until it was almost too late.  And who doesn't love some Angel bashing?  Fantastic chapter!  =)

I think the conversation did frighten Tara, but the memory wiping game that Willow likes to play is going to slow things down a bit. They were all sort of fractured into their own worlds that season - part of what I like about that season. Glad you liked the chapter! Thanks so much. 

07/22/2012 01:02 am

Great scene in the Magic Box with Giles and the gang. It is good to have the reaction of the others to Willow's actual spell as she did hide from them the true actions involved. I like that Giles is aware that Spike is somehow important to Buffy and is backing him being there. Hooray to Dawn for calling Angel on his history of killing - why this was always accepted is beyond me, while it was always cast up about Spike.
Great chapter and writing. Loving it!

Willow really did gloss over a lot, didn't she? And yeah, why is it that Angel gets a pass for his past mayhem, and Spike doesn't?

Thanks so much for the review!

07/21/2012 04:06 am
If I were Giles or Spike, I'd be strongly considering some sort of charm or talisman to protect Buffy from unwanted magical spells being cast all over her.  Willow apparently still hasn't figured out how to leave well enough alone.  I'm glad Tara reacted the way she did and I hope she will at least attempt to make Willow open her eyes - whether she's successful or not, I dunno...

As always, an excellent chapter.
Thanks so much! I really appreciate the feedback from a writer who's work I enjoy immensely.

07/20/2012 12:43 am
Oh the hubris of Willow!  You've done such a great job that she's making my blood boil, I dearly hope she's gets what she deserves... along with the rest of them.  They don't seem to realise how Buffy is really destroyed.
There will be, well not sure if there will be blood, but there will be retribution, never fear.

07/20/2012 12:09 am
great chapter - loved how the scoobies are all at each other's throats and the soul spell was wonderfully painful.  I would have liked to have the rest of the scene where Giles rakes Willow over the hot coals for the details of the spell as the reacations of the others when they find out what she really did.  Excellent
I thought about dragging that scene out, but some things are better left to the reader's imagination I think. Glad you liked it!

07/19/2012 08:51 pm
Thanks for another great update. I'm really enjoying this story. I hope you're doing well. It's been a while since we've spoken. I wanted to point out a tiny error, which I'm sure is just an oversight. 

He was loathe to inflict more magic on the poor thing,

The word should be loath, as to be averse or reluctant to do something. 
Ack! Who snuck that e in there?

Thanks for the after the fact beta help. I sometimes think I should work harder to find a good beta, but then it seems like too much coordination. Socially inept, that's me!

07/19/2012 07:41 pm
I really stopped liking Willow in early S6, and this self-important, arrogant attitude is precisely why. You have that exactly right. Poor Buffy....
Thanks so much. I was starting to think that maybe I was overdoing Willow a bit. But then I went back to the transcripts of the season 6 episodes and, yeah, she was actually that arrogant. Oh well, makes her more interesting.

07/19/2012 07:38 pm
I really want bad things to happen to all of them. And as much as it pains me even to Tara. She of all people should have looked into the spell. She is the true Wicca in the group and resurrection has to have gone against her beliefs. Giles needs to let go of inner clenching when ever he sees Spike and Buffy together. She needs love and understanding and no tension even subtle tension.

Of course Angel would suggest a institue. He is that callous he really likes the quick answer. Oh prophecy says Buffy dies at the hand of the master. Oh okay. Buffy's crazy right now toss her away. As long as he doesn't have to actually do anything.
Some bad things are going to happen, never fear. But I am still working out how, and to whom!

Glad you're still following the story though!