Fallen Angels by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 12

11/17/2012 09:55 pm
Oh Willow messing with everyones minds is going to be a blast (insert sarcasm here).

Ah, I remember why i love Anya so much, she's brilliant! Tara too.
Willow is the source of endless inspiration due to her complete inability to leave well enough alone. 

08/20/2012 04:12 pm

The fact that Willow can't see the problem with what she does is really scary.

Yes, and she had that problem during the show too. The scene where she and Amy were toying with everyone at the Bronze always seemed a bit creepy. 

08/12/2012 06:47 pm
Excellent update.  I like wwatching Willow's descent into darkness with all the best intentions (well, mostly) and seeing the ways in which you incorporate canon, while at the same time getting into the story enough that Willow is seriously pissing me off.  Xaner is stubborn but at least willing to listen, and his heart is in the right place.  Really enjoying the story!
Thank you so much. There is so much good canon stuff to play with that I can't resist incorporating it (thanks Joss!). Willow needed a lot of smacking in the show, and I hope to deliver some by the end. 

08/10/2012 11:59 am

Super update. See Willow's still on her power trip, she doesn't seem able to accept any criticism. Thank god for Gile's, Tara and even Anya. Looking forward to more. 

Thank you so much! The plot is still thickening, and as soon as I get the next chapter back from being beta'd, it will be up!

08/10/2012 04:43 am
Prime Xander nastiness, you've really got him at his most horrible.  What with him and Willow's megalomania, you don't need any other baddies!  I'm glad Tara isn't completely oblivious... yet.  She needs to protect herself.
And how. It always amazed me how Willow could do that stuff to the woman she loved. More fallout of Willow's behavior, coming soon to a BSV near you!

08/10/2012 03:52 am

 I mean she was dead for five months just fine without us - LOL - great Anya.  Waiting anxiously for Willow to do something spectacularly awful. 

Glad you liked that line. And Willow's next installment of awfulness is in progress!

08/09/2012 01:38 pm
Fantastic chapter! Willow seems to be in the land of she's the master and everyone must do her bidding.  She sees Buffy as a tool while congratulating her work and now she sees Tara, her lover, as only being there to make her feel good.  Sick thinking.   
Willow just got so myopic that season. I guess the road to hell is paved with good intentions. 

08/09/2012 09:49 am

New chapter, yay! Still enjoying this story and checking the site like a maniac for updates.

Glad you like it! I'll try to make the chapters happen faster, I promise!

08/09/2012 01:42 am
The sad thing is you want to think that Willow is OC, but she actually behaved this way in cannon.  And don't get me started on Xander.  Good chapter.
Thanks so much. Willow did need a serious smackin' for pretty much all of season 6. And I've been wanting to smack Xander on and off since, oh, season 1. I mean, he's a necessary character, but he aggravated me regularly. 

08/09/2012 12:52 am

 I love this story. Please update soon.

Thank you so much. I hope the next chapter won't take as long. 

08/09/2012 12:18 am
Tara and Anya = the voices of reason. Shame about Willow and Xander, although Xander is at least partly amenable to reason. Not looking forward to Willow's attempts at a 'solution'...
Yeah, but if Willow didn't try to solve things her way, the story would be boring...

08/09/2012 12:17 am
Those selfish self-centered jerks. They really don't care about anyone but themselves. Both of their girlfriends are telling them to leave things alone and they can't do it. Anya has centuries of experience with other dimensions and Tara has been practicing magic longer than Willow has even know about the supernatural. But for some idiotic reason Xander and Willow think they know better. I hope something really bad happens to both of them.
Willow's comeuppance will occur, never fear. Not so sure what I'm going to do with Xander yet, so you'll just have to stay tuned.