Fallen Angels by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 13

11/17/2012 10:12 pm
Alright, I'm getting worried about Tara, that constant mindwiping can't be good for her.
Ya think? 

08/21/2012 06:24 am
Still loving this story. You know, I always wondered why there weren't more physical ramifications to the forgetting spells that Willow cast on Tara so often. I look forward to finding out what's next.
Thanks so much! I am working on the next chapter as quickly as I can. 

08/20/2012 04:27 pm

A nice beginning of the chapter and a sort of creepy end.

Don't worry, Willow's bound to get found out sooner or later. 

08/17/2012 01:25 am
 She had half a mind to pick out the most mismatched things she could find as some sort of punishment for Willow

  -   - asjdfHee - love wicked tough guy Dawn.  Loved Spike planning to chase off Dawn's potential boyfriend.  Loved Tara snitching out Willow to Dawn.  Loved how Willow thinks Buffy should just snap out of it.  That's really evil! 
I had fun imagining Dawn on a rampage, I must admit. 

08/16/2012 10:24 pm

Loved Dawn's "worry about violence from me, I don't have a chip", and how Tara stepped up, and how Willow is still quietly, gradually becoming more and more creepy, for lack of a better term. Oh, and Buffy's progress of course, if you can call it that, still looks "natural" to me, you know, not too much, not too little, believable and credible. you're doing a really great job with unfolding the various subplots and actions not too quickly, and not too slowly. I feel like I'm reading a book and I can see things moving forward.

Thanks so much for the thoughtful review! I hope things are unfolding fast enough to keep you interested, but not so fast that stuff gets left out!

08/16/2012 04:21 pm
OMG!! Can I just say how much I love Dawn! "Worry more about violence from me, I don’t have a chip.” That is the best thing I have ever heard!! LOL

Ugh, season 6 Willow gives me the creepy crawlies. Giles better get those damn wards up and quickly! Xander just blindly following his crayon buddy. Giles willing to put his head in the sand. Both of them need wake up calls and fast before someone gets really hurt or dies.
So glad you liked it! Wake up calls have been ordered, and will be arriving soon. 

08/16/2012 03:01 pm
Let's hope Giles has that protection spell in place, it's going to be needed pretty soon I'd say now that Willow is on a roll.   You've really caught the prissy side of Giles but at least Dawn gave him a reality check.  Well done.
Thanks so much. Dawn definitely had a defiant side that I enjoy exploring. 

08/16/2012 01:50 pm
Good for Tara - and Dawn. Willow is sliding further and further down that slipperly slope... poor Tara...
We shall have to see where Willow lands at the bottom...