Fallen Angels by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 15

11/17/2012 10:47 pm
And protector Buffy is rising her head! Poor Tara, I'm glad that she's at least in a house safe from Willow's magic.

The moment is nearing though right? I hope when Buffy does remember, she won't forget the Spike who's been taking care of her.
It's coming... just wait  and see...

09/06/2012 02:44 am
How big a snit fit will Willow have when she finds out Tara is welcome at the house and she isn't?
Is the locator spell not working cause Tara was in the house and protected, or because Willow still has a bad case of burnout?
The locator spell wasn't working because Tara was in the house. However, Willow doesn't know that...

Judith Jordan
09/05/2012 08:49 am
I'm really looking forward to the denouement of your tale.  Good job.
Thank you so much! I am trying to get to that denouement, but the school term has started, and there are students everywhere like herds of buffalo trampling my free time...

09/05/2012 03:35 am
I like the way things in common are bonding Buffy to Spike and Buffy to Tara lending more of a base for her memories to return.  Glad that Gile's wards are working.   How would Buffy feel about those if she knew?  Willow seems to think that wards and her magic are comparable actions. 
Ah, but if you read closely, Willow doesn't really know about the wards. She knows her magic is going wonky, but doesn't know why. That will make a difference sometime soon...

09/03/2012 10:41 pm
Dawn is doing fantastically well and even Anya is seeing sense.  Poor Tara, it's high time Giles got off his high horse and did something useful, and less of the huffing and grouching is a huge improvement.  I love how it was Buffy who helped Tara.  Another cracking chapter.
Thanks ever so much!

09/03/2012 07:15 pm
Yay for protective Dawn, supportive Anya, and for Tara in general!  I think having her around might even be good for Buffy.  Here's hoping Xander clues in soon.
Well, don't hold your breath on Xander cluefulness. But glad you are still following along!

09/03/2012 04:26 pm

Another great chapter B - I think your writing would be stronger if you stayed inside one person's head for each scene.  It's a little hard to keep up with the POV changes.  For example in the scene with Tara and Willow, you start from T's POV then go to Willow.  If you want to do that there should be a break.  Or, you can stay with Tara and show what Willow's up to through dialog or actions. 

Glad to see Buffy coming out more and not being so helpless.  One question I have is really who's story is this?  Is it Spike or Buffy or even Willow or what person is changing?  If Buffy, perhaps she needs to be more active in making things happen and we need to see things from her POV more often.   

I'd be happy to discuss further if you want someone to bounce ideas off.  charlotte.alexander@rcn.com is my real e-mail. 

Whose story... an excellent question. I appreciate reviews like this a lot, because they make me think.

I felt I had to spend some time in Willow and Tara's heads, because it all ties together. I mean, why was Willow so desperate to fix things in the series? Why was Xander all 'give her a week and she'll be fine' in After Life? As we'll see later in this story, Xander and Willow's proprietary feelings about Buffy, without Tara putting the brakes on, can lead them to act without thinking. This chapter did veer away from Buffy a little, because she is still in this holding pattern where she can't remember, doesn't necessarily want to try hard to remember, and mostly just wants things quiet and safe. But I needed to get Tara in the house, because Tara's presence will trigger something in Buffy that leads her to move a little out of her comfort zone, which will lead to a whole bunch of action. 

I do try not to jump from one person's head to another, but then I end up writing while distracted (a lot of this was written during a family train trip, with interspersed conversations with the kiddos) and odd things happen. This story was easy to start, but is becoming tough to finish. I may take you up on the idea bouncing!

09/03/2012 02:14 pm
Even broken and unable to remember why, Buffy still wants to help vulnerable people - particularly from 'the one with the voice' and magic. Perfect characterisation.
Thanks so muich!

09/03/2012 11:31 am
It's great to see all the good guys under one roof. I can't wait to see the wicked witches reaction to the latest developments. I'm hoping the protection spell had more of an effect on Willow than we first thought, She doesn't deserve to be so powerful.
A lot of people have power that don't deserve it. But what they do with it makes things interesting...

09/03/2012 10:24 am

Great update, still reading eagerly, still loving it. Poor Tara. I loved Buffy's reaction.

Good, I was hoping people would think that worked. 

09/03/2012 08:20 am

Now they know how bad Willow is. Buffy is getting better and letting Tara stay, good.

Glad you like!

09/03/2012 05:27 am
It's nice to see Buffy feeling empathy for Tara.  She's coming along well.
Slowly but surely, she is coming around. But will it be fast enough for the rest of the Scoobies?

09/03/2012 05:17 am
Oh Willow! I hope this really bites you on the ass. Both of them are out of your reach right now. I don't doubt she will still try something to try and breach the wards. Hopefully she doesn't turn Giles into a toad! (Although that would be pretty funny!) Buffy is making progress. Offering to let Tara stay there is a step forward. Now that Willow turned her magic on Tara that puts them in the same boat. Lost memories because of Willow.
Alas, there will be no amphibians in this story :-)

Glad you're still with me though!