Fallen Angels by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 16

11/17/2012 11:07 pm
Can't say I blame Spike for kissing back, even if the consequenceas promise to be big.

Now I just REALLY hope the Slayer part of her doesn't do too much damage to him.
Hard to know what an out of control Slayer will do...

09/21/2012 11:51 am

Super update. Oh no, if Willow manages to unleash the primal slayer does that mean she'll go after Spike? Doesn't sound good. As you said Willow only needs an excuse to start throwing her magic around. Anya knows better, but can't cope with the hassle arguing about it would cause. They don't care about anyone else but themselves, I so want them to get theirs. Looking forward to more. 

Thanks so much for the review. I hope to get the next installment up soon. But who knows what will happen when the Slayer awakes..

09/20/2012 02:34 am
excellenty angsty chapter.  
Thanks so much!

09/19/2012 10:35 am
Wow, Giles is actually thinking at last but he needs to do more than lose his temper with Willow.  As for Xander, he really could have starred in Dumb and Dumber.  I guess it's too much to hope that Anya might get a backbone before the night's shenanigans wreak havoc.  Ooh maybe the Slayer could give Willow the lesson she so sorely needs.  And poor Buffy no doubt will suffer no matter what happens.  Terrific update and better late than never!
Thanks so much! It would have been up sooner if I hadn't lost my beta's email in a sea of Parent Teacher Committee garbage!

09/19/2012 09:21 am

Good character interaction. And now they will try a new spell. Well if they did think it through then maybe they can do it right but Willow doesn't think she can do wrong and Xander doesn't know what can go wrong. Xander has a simple way of thinking about this (Buffy being back=good) that makes it harder to be mad at him about this, Willow is the one that should know better. Let's see what happens. If the spell doesn't work, good, if it does it will probably go wrong.

It was hard to be mad at Xander at that point in the series. But definitely he gave us enough reasons later in Season 6 to make me want to smack him. 

Thanks for the review!

09/19/2012 09:10 am

Xander come on what are you doing? What an idiot! I'm thinking they're just gonna turn Buffy into an axe murderer and make her even more miserable. Glad Any is reacting they way she is. She's the most sane one of the bunch. And go Tara for not giving in to Willow's whining. Looking forward to more soon.

We shall have to see what happens. But yeah, no way was Tara going to put up with that. 

09/19/2012 05:02 am
Oooh!  I can't wait to see what happens next!
Thanks! Working to get the next chapter up ASAP.

09/19/2012 05:00 am
Xander, you managed to blow the one little brownie point I would have given you for not storming in the house screaming when you saw Buffy kiss Spike. Which wouldn't have happed if you had just stayed away like you should have!
He reminds me of my sons. They never listen...

09/19/2012 03:53 am
It's amazing how Willow twists things in her mind to justify make her actions as more benign than they are.  
That amazed me on the show. Her reasoning for doing what she did to Tara was completely skewed, but made so much sense to her. Craziness. 

09/19/2012 03:19 am
Sorry, I was logged out for that last review because the website was acting funky.  Still is, but I wanted to be sure I got a notification in case you replied.

Also: Xander, you dumb FUCK. *facepalm*
LOL, what are you trying to say? :-)

09/19/2012 03:13 am
Oh, Xander, you dumb FUCK.

Sorry, I really shouldn't put profanity into a review, but good lord I swear the man needs to be beaten with a clue-by-four.  At least Anya's reasoning for participating in this makes sense.

NOT looking forward to whatever happens next;  Assuming the spell doesn't bounce off the wards and send Willow into a coma, we could have a homicidal, deranged lunatic on our hands.


Also: excellent writing, by the way, since I'm able to get so completely into the story that that is all I can focus on.
I'm all about the profanity, especially after the long day at work I've had. 

Thanks so much for the complement! Hopefully I haven't raised your blood pressure too much!

09/19/2012 02:24 am
This is NOT going to go well. But maybe Spike can catch them and actually get violent.
Violence is being planned, never fear. 

09/19/2012 02:23 am
Oh dear. I hope Buffy stays in the house behind the protection spell....
We shall see, good reader...

09/19/2012 02:09 am
Oh for the love of.... I swear, Spike just needs to grab all three girls and make a run for it. Willow and Xander are going to kill someone! And they will get away with it, simply because they were trying to 'help'. I hope something bad happens to the two of them because of this. Seriously what is Spike supposed to do? Shove Buffy away? She is so fragile right now and they can't understand it or don't want to understand it. Spike should just give them the bot and let them go nuts. They can program her to be exactly the kind of Buffy they want.
Gotta wonder, would they notice it was the bot this time...?