Something Blue, Something More by Opal
Chapter: Ch 10 - Family

08/31/2007 03:52 am
“Let’s put it this way Spike, I thought I wanted nice and normal. I’ve already figured out that is way underrated.”

Not sure I understand this - does Buffy now think that normal is not all she envisioned and not so great any longer or I am missing the ironic twist?

08/27/2006 11:52 pm very sweeet....claimy goodness ahead?

06/27/2006 04:20 am
A family mark, good alternative to a claim or mating.Glad you're not having Angel be the poofer he usually is. Good read.
I'm glad that you like that...usually I like to bash the crap out of Angel..but it just didn't seem to fit (yet anyways - who knows If I change my mind).

02/15/2006 02:15 pm
ahhh how sweet

10/11/2005 01:11 pm
I so enjoy rereading the last chapter of a story before moving on to the next. This was an awesome chapter the first time I read through, and it still is coming back to it later. {heards off to read Ch. 3}

10/09/2005 09:31 am
Ahhhhh, how sweet.

10/09/2005 06:34 am
Awe :) Two chapters to read, not only one. I love this story. So Buffy will get the mark of family - I wonder how it will work (what the family bond means)

10/03/2005 06:18 pm
Awww ... so sweet. I love this story, and I look forward to more. I like how Spike isn't pushing to make it a mating claim until Buffy is ready (loved the crumb she tossed him by the way, very nice), but he wants to have a familial claim to be able to protect and take care of Buffy and William. I liked your explanation for why his eyes turned from one color to another. Nice work. Oh and just to let you know, when I clicked on the first post here, it was blank like a lot of others. Don't know if it will pop up again later or not. Just wanted to let you know.