Origin by behind blue eyes
Chapter: Chapter Eleven

07/09/2015 05:52 pm
As usual, Buffy comes up against her reluctance to research. She would already know more of this stuff if she'd ever bothered to crack the books in High School. She should have looked Angel, Darla, The Master, Spike & Drusilla up in turn when they came to her notice, instead of leaving it all to Giles and then not botheing to listen to him half the time.

Oh-ho! What's got Angel's knickers in a twist?
Exactly!  Buffy is a myriad of contradictions.  She hated to be kept in the dark and be used as a weapon by the PTB and the Watcher's Counsel, but at the same time, she only wanted a brief synopsis about what they were dealing with and then asked what direction it went in so she could kill it. 

As for Angel, the next chapter picks up right where this one left off. 

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