Hellbent by lovesbitca37
Chapter: Chapter 14

11/12/2005 08:42 am
Ahhh, that was sweet of Dru

11/12/2005 05:33 am
Look forward to more of this one. Love this Buffy. Not evil persay, but she has a different look at the world now. Love it.

11/12/2005 03:38 am
I am so loving this story! Can't wait for the next update! -Lisa

11/12/2005 01:17 am
Kill him joyce will get over it. Giles is a pompous prig if they listen to him they'll end up dead. Finally the lesser Scoobs are coming round, they're actually starting to give off a team vibe. Even Xander, who I'm strangely warming to. Can't wait for the next update. Love it love it love it.

11/11/2005 10:19 pm
I love this more hardcore Buffy, it's what makes this story so much fun to read. She's not evil, just a person who will do whatever it takes to survive. Very interesting.

11/11/2005 09:47 pm
This is one coooool Buffy. Riley's being surprisingly stalwart, isn't he?
Hehehehe, I have plans for Riley :) *cue evil laugh*