Second Youth by Ariel Dawn
Chapter: Tabula Rasa - Tuesday

08/21/2006 02:56 pm she's gonna have to keep spike from killing the council chapter :)
Thanks for reading!

02/14/2006 12:07 am
and the plot thickens *grins*

09/22/2005 05:41 am
I love this story, it's really cute and light all round. A refreshing change from the angst ridden fics that seem to be so popular lately!  Apart from the fact that i can stop picturing the Slayer as a granny she really is, i think it's great. I love how you made her smart and have magick. Can't wait for more!

chanel #5
09/22/2005 05:40 am
MMM. Very ...Cute.

09/22/2005 05:40 am
Noooo, Buffy can't stop being a slayer. She is THE slayer,lol. Not Faith, ewww, that uis wrong. Wrong on so many levels its not even funny. *end mini rant* Loved the chappie, public/ semi-private sex, yeah!

09/22/2005 05:39 am
Oh, I'm sensing some foreshadowing. I think Hallie just needs to get her butt kicked. I can't wait to see Spike's reaction though, so hurry it up with the next chapter!
lol, thanks

09/22/2005 05:39 am
Uh oh ... sounds like a set up for disaster. I always liked the Hallie and Cecily angle of things. Look forward to the next update. Always love this story. FYI ... I met Kali Rocha a couple weeks back. She said that the Hallie/Cecily was something Josh intentionally put into the Season 6 script where Spike and Hallie see each other. {Smiles} Just a little tidbit of info there.