Learning To Fly by spike_spetslayer
Chapter: Chapter 15--A Soul In Tension

09/15/2010 09:26 pm

I'm so happy that Buffy went to see Anya! Poor thing. And that Anya has some amazing insight that they all seem to be missing out on.

11/17/2006 05:29 pm
just to let you knoe i love the story so far! i've only recently discovered spuffy and i can see my self becoming one of your loyal band!

06/23/2006 09:03 am
Creepy scary Xander. Useing Anya this way is great. Always liked her character.

12/09/2005 02:11 pm
Dangerous Xander and crazy Willow! You're really making me dislike the two of them in this fic - kudos to your writing pet!

12/09/2005 12:13 am
Ignorant, self-righteous prick Xander. Very good chapter. I like how you are expanding out more to her full potential. I always felt she was underplayed. She would have been such a great source of information so long as the Scoobies got off their high horses about things and were willing to accept more than what the Council told them about demons.

12/08/2005 04:37 am
Keep it coming Pet you've got us all sucked in...lol

12/05/2005 06:49 pm
Oooh, more hefty plottage :) I'm sucked in completely - tell me more!

12/05/2005 01:37 pm
Anya's right about Xander being obsessed but she's wrong about not being worried.

12/05/2005 12:53 pm
Another wonderful update! I love to see Anya being treated well and taken seriously for a change. Looking forward to the next chapter. -Lisa

12/05/2005 06:32 am
*does happy dance* Xander gets beaten down sooon Yippiiiiiie, great chappie :P

12/05/2005 06:30 am
*does happy dance* Xander gets beaten down sooon Yippiiiiiie, great chappie :P

12/05/2005 06:18 am
oooh Dawn's a conduit, fun! And grr at Xander! Looking forward to the next chapter!

12/05/2005 06:10 am
Thank you so much for the latest. Xander is dangerous and they need to think of something to thwart him before he gets started. Can Spike eat him?