Walking a Mile by Ariel Dawn
Chapter: Therapy

06/06/2014 10:52 pm

“Do you do this every month?” asked Spike curious.

“No, we did this special for you cause it’s your first,” said Buffy.

“My Spike’s a woman now!” laughed Joyce.

This is bloody priceless, pun definitely intended!!! 

05/12/2006 12:31 am
so hilarious!!!!! spike getting his period!!! lol...i love this story more with every chapter!! :)

12/10/2005 08:05 am
Okay that last line was hillarious. I just enjoy reading this fic. Great job!

Pulchra Nex
12/10/2005 04:36 am
ROFLMAO! but isn't it: "Our Spike's a woman now!"? Love it! I've never read a story where Spike gets a period, before!
I'm glad you find it entertaining!

12/10/2005 01:41 am
ROFLMAo !!!!!!! I am dying laughing over that last line from Joyce about Spike being a woman now. That was absolutely hilarious. Don't shoot me, but I'm just reading this one now. I've never been a fan of the Spike in Buffy's body or Buffy in Spike's body thing unless it was just a quick switch and back to other things. Maybe it's because I read a couple I didn't like. I don't know. I hated not reading one of your fics though. Got to support a fellow Misfit, and I have loved your previous stories. So, I finally kicked myself in the arse and read it today. It is very funny. I do enjoy it. Still a little so so about the whole idea, but you are making it funny and working it well. Look forward to seeing where you go next.
Thanks Tasha! *hugs*

12/09/2005 11:25 pm
I confuse so easily these days, I'm never sure where I read the updates for this story however, I left my review of this chapter over at Buffy/Spike Central. But just got to say here, you are one seriously evil genius. Love the time of the month Spike. Love the chapter, love the story. Sorry, I think I went over the top there, I'm just finishing up Christmas cards. LOL :)
hehehe, thanks!

12/09/2005 08:29 pm
And the laughter value just keeps coming.... you have *so* made my day with this update!
lol, glad I could make your day!

12/09/2005 08:24 pm
Really good chappie great idea for Spike to experience all aspects of Buffys' life. Can't wait for the arrival of the big poof.

12/09/2005 10:01 am
“My Spike’s a woman now!” laughed Joyce. That is the funniest thing I've read/heard in forever. And I so needed a good laugh today! Thanks! -Lisa
Glad you liked!

12/09/2005 09:52 am
Poor Spike. Poor, poor Spike. I wouldn't even wish that on Riley, and I really hate him. Lol, great chapter. Be interesting to see what happens when Angel arrives!
lol, Thanks for the review!

12/09/2005 08:49 am
LOL! I did this to Angel in one of my fics and I know *exactly* how much fun you had writing that. Probably the best laugh you've had in weeks, am I right?
oh ya!

12/09/2005 08:19 am
Teeheehee!! That should happen to every guy at least once. And Joyce thinks it's "her" Spike? Buffy is about to come unglued. More please.
lol, I'm glad you enjoyed!

12/09/2005 07:38 am
OMG--LMAO--Our Spike's a woman now! What a Classic Line! that needs to be immortalized on an icon, or something...ROFL...I can't help myself, that was a completely hilarious and wonderful chapter.....
Thanks spet! I'm glad you enjoyed! *hugs*

12/09/2005 07:34 am
“My Spike’s a woman now!” laughed Joyce. Joyce is bloody evil, you know that right?
of course! I wouldn't have it any other way