True Colors by TalesofSpike
Chapter: Chapter 3:04

08/20/2007 09:47 pm
OH I can't wait to see everything she bought
Lol! I'm sure you'll find out within a chapter or two.

Thanks again. I'm signing off for the night now, but you might get some more replies tomorrow.

08/26/2006 12:29 am
Very hot chappie! Glad that Buff and Cordy had a chance to catch up and of course shopping is always fun, especially when she can buy for Dawn. We know how hard it's been for them. Exciting read! Thanks.
Glad you liked it.

Thanks, honey!

07/08/2006 05:40 pm
that line gets me every time...i'm a big fan of Princess Bride as well... :) ... love this fic, so sweet and sexy...on to more :)
Thanks, honey!

That's just what I wanted to give the pair of them, in between the arguments that are inevitable when you have two strong personalities.

06/24/2006 08:30 pm
Happy sigh - i love the touches about Dawn and new clothes and her feeling guilty. Good fleshing out of the characters and really shows your skill as a writer. i really am enjoying this story! (much to the detriment of my housework I am afraid *grin*)
Thanks again!

I figure with something this long there's room for those touches of characterisation... even if you do eventually seem to end up with a cast of thousands LOL.

12/11/2005 03:43 pm
Whew ... two hot chapters. Nice moving along of the story as well. {Grins} Look forward to more.
Thanks, honey! I'm glad you're still enjoying them. More soon, I'm sure. It's not as if there's any imminent danger of running out.

12/11/2005 08:59 am
Yes - definitely a scorcher. And isn't it fun when Spike's got loads of money - love it!
Hee! Fun for everyone. Yeah, it's definitely good when Spike has enough money that no one has to worry about it.

12/10/2005 07:55 pm
Wow feeling hot hot hot. Brilliant.
Thank you! Loans you fan.