Walking a Mile by Ariel Dawn
Chapter: Fine for You

Loving it!
04/01/2010 08:33 am

05/12/2006 12:34 am
still awesome...reading more now :)
Thanks for reading!

12/30/2005 09:24 am
wonderful chapter, terrible thought that there are only two more chapters. thanks for the entertaining fic.
Thanks for reading!

12/21/2005 05:42 am
Loved that wake up call. {grins} Now to get the bodies switched were Spike will take FULL advantage of that freshly flowing ambrosia for vampires.
*salutes* yes ma'am!

12/17/2005 12:18 am
Nice wake up call! Are they ready to go downstairs and confuse the hell out of everybody again? Such a fun story.
Glad You like!

12/16/2005 11:23 pm
Oh, I'm gonna miss this when it's over. I've gotten quite attached to the spectacle. I liked this chapter for its tenderness; I do hope they can send Angel packing soon.
I'm glad you like!

12/16/2005 09:38 pm
*Giggles insanely* And how amazed am I that Buffy's not outraged with Spike's usage of her mouth? *laughs harder*
I think Buffy was a little more concerned with the feeling good part, rather than the he just used my mouth part lol

12/16/2005 09:14 pm
Oh, opportunities missed. ::pouts::
lol, opportunities will come about later too!

12/16/2005 06:51 pm
Excellent really love it.

12/16/2005 02:45 pm
Just caught up with this one and I love it!! AWESOME job!! Riley is such an ass.
Thanks BSB!

12/16/2005 11:04 am
It just keeps getting better. Can't wait for more, but I hate to see it end. I'm thinking.....sequel?.......more than just 2 more chapters?...... come on work with me here!
There are 12 chapters, that's the end. I'm glad you like the fic though!

12/16/2005 10:08 am
Wonderful update. And I just love your Joyce. -Lisa

12/16/2005 08:26 am
Go Spike! Pull her to the dark side, sweetheart, that's right...lol.... As for Angel, send him and his hair gel back to LA where they belong...lol...Pot, Kettle? LMAO at Joyce...Love that woman, and you write her so well... This whole story is so very well done...fantastic job with a really tough challenge...such talent, such grace....*sigh* *hugs*
LOL, aww you are too sweet! *hugs* Thanks for the kind words!

12/16/2005 08:09 am
*snort* maybe Buffy will let Spike have a taste after they switch back :P

12/16/2005 08:08 am
*snort* maybe Buffy will let Spike have a taste after they switch back :P
it could happen