Memory Box by Grave Tidings
Chapter: Chatper Two

07/30/2008 03:43 am
very sorry i missed this tale when originally post. very good read, thank you.

02/17/2008 02:39 am
Spooky and lovely.

06/25/2007 12:37 am
oh man....this is too cool...i wonder if it's william or spike getting the letters...and if he'll write back...lovely chapter, pet :)

05/25/2007 10:30 pm
A box full of surprises indeed! She even found her wedding ring (so to say because it was meant for her it is her ring in a way even if they never married).
And now I wonder if William's house still stands and who owns it. *sniff* Loved Buffy writing to Spike, telling him goodbye when she wasn't able to do it the first time around.
The letters really vanishes.. I wonder if it is caused by the box or the things Buffy used to write (the paper). That should mean she'll run out of it at one point.

02/14/2007 05:58 am
Oh, I love this story already - you have such a beautiful style and your Buffy voice is such a good combination of the Buffy from the series and a more mature and open-hearted young woman. You have managed to bring in a tone of an earlier time, when people did write beautiful words to one another - this is the perfect Valentine Day story - I hope you don't mind, but I will also try some graphics for myself - it so just happens that I am reading "De Profundis" now from a lovely 1926 Modern Library edition. Now, back to your story.

10/05/2006 10:47 pm
This is sooo well written. I love the emotion that comes through in Buffy's letters. The closing "stupid vampire" made me smile. And I love the ps to William with the offer of an explanation.
Absolutely wonderfully done. I've never read a fanfic with this premise. Its very creative and (I say again) excellently written.

10/04/2006 06:30 pm
oh wow amazing chapter! Amazing chapter!

10/02/2006 11:58 am
Gorgeous -- a mystical postal service.

10/02/2006 05:50 am
How comforting for her to have this to believe in. So exciting too! Anything to have some communication with him. If she knew where to look she would go and get him as he would for her. Wonderful chapter. Thanks.

10/02/2006 01:36 am
i'm very much loving this story. It's very unique. (And yeah...know it's inspired by the lake house, but still, i've never read a spuffy story like this before, so in my book, that's unique. :)

It's very very well written. I LOVE that he had wedding rings ordered and that she's wearing hers.

The first letter where she says it hurts to breathe...I got a bit teary-eyed there. I love her ending that letter with "stupid vampire" And I love the second letter where she's testing it out and telling him that if he's in hell if he can let her know, she'll get him out. This is just so unbelievably sweet and well written. I really love it.

I also love that she wants him to write her back if he's william so she can explain what's going on.

This is just so great. I haven't gotten a chance to see the Lake house yet. But my mother said it was really good, so I may have to see it now.