Present Childe by Ariel Dawn
Chapter: The Fledge

11/26/2006 07:55 pm
Good chapter please update again soon...
Updates are up!

11/26/2006 03:39 am
well, that is definitely close to the answer buffy wanted to her. good read, thank you.
Thanks for reading!

11/25/2006 11:04 pm
I really enjoyed this chappie, AD. Riley gets fried, yay! Faith being rescued by Buffy, loved it. But now Buffy is feeling bad about killing Riley *pouts* She's only doing what her nature calls for,lol. Can't wait for more.
Thanks GB! I'm glad you like!. Buffy certainly is having issues about Riley, consequences happen in the next chapter!

11/25/2006 10:54 pm
COME ON!!!!! i need to know what happens when Buffy finally tells faith bout riley!!!!!!!!!!
Update is on its way!

11/25/2006 09:48 pm
hmmm...did riley do something to faith? if so, poor faith...but maybe she wont be mad about what's happened to him...and when is spike gonna find out what happened to him? excellent chapter, very much enjoyed it :)
I've written this fic very much from Buffy's POV, so we won't be finding out what happened between Riley and Faith. Let's just say that it ended very badly. Spike will find out about the chip in the next chapter.

11/25/2006 08:44 pm

I'm still amazed the Initiative had time to chip Spike! poor baby...
I call it creative license. It has purpose! Really it does!

11/25/2006 07:48 pm
love the update & I like the path this fic is going down. nice job!
Thanks Opal! *hugs*