Last Orders by SpikesDeb
Chapter: Chapter 4

09/08/2007 05:31 am
didn't take her long to revert to the tried and true. very good read, thank you.
Yes, she's a bugger for being predictable, our Buffy. But I hope you like the rest...


09/06/2007 09:22 am
He let her believe he was dead for a year, let her cry herself to sleep every night for a year, and he doesn't think she has a right to be mad? Stupid vampire! I would kick his ass myself if I could. Thank God Dawn is convincing. I hope they can work it out.
Well, he's been through a lot himself and for some reason he convinced himself her declaration of love as all just a sap at the end. Yes, you're right - stupid vampire! Go Dawnie - she's my heroine right enough. Hope you enjoy the rest.

09/06/2007 02:37 am
So, in time honoured Buffy fashion, instead of running towards him, she ran away. Sigh. So true.
Yes, if only she saw things the way we see things. I suppose she would if she wasn't so close to it all. Mind you, I'd quite like to swap places with her. Thanks!

09/05/2007 05:37 pm
Great chapter. Buffy reacted just like anticipated. Looking forward to more.
Yes, she's predictable, isn't she? Glad you're enjoying - next chapter is now up :) Thanks!

Kim Adams
09/05/2007 06:57 am
I love this story Spikesdeb and wanna kick Buffy right about now!!

It is not all about her anymore and she deserves nothing less than really having to beg for any Spike attention. I love the girl but she really has some issues and needs to grow up.

I love Dawnie and her mug really made me laugh. And I love that Xander is on the Spike Bandwagon now. I like him and want to see friendship there. Thanks for that!
I can't wait for more and so glad you are updating so quickly.

Wonderful story!
Hey Kim - thanks for your wonderful feedback! Buffy does annoy, but she's got issues, and hopefully you'll see how she resolves them. Next chapter is now up.

Dawnie is a delight, I've always thought so - and I have my own novelty mug so I guess that's why they got one too. And I'm all about Xander/Spike bonding; I want everybody to play nice, but maybe it's because I'm a sap :) Next update after the one I've put up tonight will be Saturday. Take care :) Deb

09/05/2007 05:00 am
figures they'd get into a fight. i saw that one coming a mile away, lol. ugh, buffy, you bone head. why does she always have to make it about her? didn't she grow up at all? can't wait for more! have i mentioned just how much i'm enjoying this?
Yeah, she's kinda predictable, huh? *grins* Hopefully you'll see a different Buffy...if you read on ;-) So happy you're enjoying and thanks for saying so - next chapter is now up :)

09/05/2007 03:59 am
Typical Buffy - can't understand that Spike needed some things for himself, too, and just wants him "to love her". Doesn't get the begging for forgiveness, so of course, she runs. Your relationships fall apart, Buffy, because you can't commit, and that doesn't just mean sticking to one guy...
*sigh* Yeah; she has issues - but I want her to work through them. Maybe Spike feeling good about himself will help her to look at him that way and thereby value their relationship more. That's my theory anyway. Thanks for reading and reviewing - next chapter is now up ;)

09/05/2007 03:11 am
Great chapter, thanks for the regular updating. Looking forward to a less stubborn Buffy soon.
Thanks for reading, and I've posted another chapter tonight. There'll be a break until Saturday then. Yes - stubborn Buffy makes you want to shake her, doesn't she? But don't worry...*grins*

09/05/2007 03:09 am
Poor Xander and SPike - doomed to be roommates. LOL
Hee! I didn't even think of that - but yeah, bad karma or what? Mind you, I wouldn't turn down a room share with Spike :) Thanks for reading!