Naughty, Dirty Things by SpikesDeb
Chapter: Chapter 2

07/14/2010 06:51 am

10/12/2007 05:41 am
very good read, thank you. buffy blaming the drugs!
Hee! Well, she just won't face up to her vampire loving side, will she? Thanks for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed.

10/11/2007 03:05 am
I'm afraid there's been a bit of a mistake here. See, it gets to the really, really good part...then POOF! no more story.

Don't leave us this way. I got nice and comfy traveling around in Spike's head. Then it got interesting in Buffy's, what with all the threatening and the drooling.

Anyway, I have been cruelly yanked out of this lovely alternate season 2--and I want to go back!

More soon, please? *looks hopeful*
ROFL! Hmmm, inside Spike's head, huh? Now wouldn't that be interesting. Lovely! Thank you so much for your interest and I hope you like the rest. I made it all smutty for you...*grins* Thanks!

10/11/2007 02:12 am
Oh right, she'd been drugged.

What a place to end it!!!

Spike seems perfectly evil, and unlikely to show her much in the way of mercy - but I trust you to not to unspool this into something fabulous.
Eep! Sorry! What can I say - I'm evil. But hopefully, you've read the rest now and like how it's ended. And Spike - he is evil, but he always was love's bitch :) Thanks for reading and reviewing.