At It Like Rabbits by NautiBitz
Chapter: Fighting Chance

06/11/2010 03:26 am

12/01/2007 09:27 pm
very good read, thank you. they so deserve chance. a blend of the best of both. (or worst, depending on pov.)
Haha. Thanks, vladt.

12/01/2007 06:07 pm
This is so much better than I could have hoped for when I saw you were doing a sequel. This story is made of squee.
Aww, thanks milo!

12/01/2007 02:41 pm
Love the story so far! Expectaily the sibling rivalry. Cant wait for chapter 3!!!
Thanks Slaygirl!

11/30/2007 04:09 am
Chance is a great character. Didn't she notice that her Dad has no reflection and drinks blood all these years?
Thanks! And, no, she didn't notice - because he's been human all her life. :D

11/30/2007 02:08 am

I love them!
I'm so glad!

11/30/2007 01:34 am
Cute! The kids and the family dynamic.
Thanks Kawaki!

11/29/2007 11:36 pm
Awesome, awesome, awesome! I'm laughing out loud right now, and is it weird that aside from the slayer/vampire dynamic, that's a typical day in my household??? Please update again soon, I'm loving this story!!!
Thanks, skm -- I love that you can relate. :)