Sideways by goldenusagi
Chapter: 19 Shiftings

05/15/2010 07:56 pm

02/18/2010 10:13 pm
Very interesting.  And seems right that there would be a group of vamps doing just this. 
Thank you!  I'm glad you enjoyed!

12/26/2007 03:00 am
well written and interesting story line looking forward to more.
Thank you so much!

12/17/2007 04:53 pm
great chapter!
Thank you!

12/16/2007 02:31 am
Cool twist - like the Slayer Hunters. They're EVIL.
Glad you like it! Thanks!

12/14/2007 06:25 am
buffy might not be going to see him again, but spike will be watching. very good chapter, thank you.
Yeah, Spike will be stalking--er, watching. :)

12/12/2007 07:48 am
Oh-oh! I love this story, and I LOVE getting to work in the mornings because of when you post it:P It's a little before 9am here, so you just made my day, despite -or because of- the angst still evolving!

Great update -once again!

Thank you! Glad to know I make your work day!

12/12/2007 06:09 am
AHA that makes sense. Actually it makes enough sense that I'm surprised enterprising demons didn't put something like this together on the show.

I doubt Buffy will stay away even if she is Called.

He's still protecting her, yup, Loves Bitch indeed.

Glad you think it works! Well, Buffy might be trying to stay away, but Spike will still be stalking--er, watching her. :) Thanks!

12/12/2007 02:42 am
Yay, now he has to go all Protecto-Spike, and save Buffy from the hunters! Love where you're going with this; can't wait to read more! Please update again soon!
Well, he might not have to save Buffy so much from the hunters... Thanks for the review!