At It Like Rabbits by NautiBitz
Chapter: Hopped Up

06/11/2010 03:54 am

01/28/2008 06:07 am
Eeeeeek more! I go nuts when I can't finish a story. Pleaaaseeee. It's so goood. And I've been laughing out loud for hours now. Trying not to wake anyone lol. Keep it coming!

01/16/2008 01:41 am
beautifully evil. thank you.

01/04/2008 03:56 am
Wow! Awesome chapter. I don't usually like comedy fics, but you are truly given and I love everything you write. Okay, going to stop now before I start sounding like some psycho fan.
Oh, you have quite a lot of room before you start sounding like a psycho fan! Please - go on... ;D

I kid. Thanks for reviewing, and I'm glad you're enjoying the fic.

01/02/2008 11:49 pm
Ooh, things are definitely getting dicey...Faith, a vamp? That is so not good. SO not good. Gulp.
*rubs hands together evilly*

01/02/2008 11:12 pm
Oh dear Lord......but they've been able to act like their former selves for that long with the others? Whoaaaaaaaaa.....

So, did Angel and Faith screw, he lost his soul, turned her, and now they're here to wreak havoc?
Not exactly -- Angel's curse was lifted in the big climax of HDL. He was ensouled for the rest of his days, able to have sex with whomever he pleased.

Methinks there's bigger magicks behind this...

01/02/2008 10:51 pm
WOW!! I did NOT see that coming!
Yay for surprises!

01/02/2008 10:34 pm
My goodness, what a chapter! Now I can't wait for more!
Thanks! More soon!

01/02/2008 08:36 pm
We bow before the Queen of Cliffhangers, you naughty, naughty girl! You are evil! Evil I say! Awesome chapter, can't wait to see what happens next; gotta say, did not see that coming!!! Please update again soon!
I'm glad you didn't see it coming! I learned my evil cliffhanger ways from watching Buffy episodes -- so don't blame me, blame Joss. ;)