Dreams Do Show Thee To Me by SpikesDeb
Chapter: Chapter 1

01/21/2008 04:45 pm
Loved Spike = he's so gnarly. Surprised Giles' head didn't explode when Spike put his feet on old Rupe's desk.
Thank you!  I'm glad Spike seems gnarly, that was the intent - and I do love messing with Giles.  He's bursting to do something manic and Ripper-like, but he's back in the tweed so instead he just huffs and puffs :)

01/19/2008 05:12 am
hope this work better than spike's plans usually do. good read, thank you.
Thanks very much. His plans did have flaws, but if you want something hard enough...

Hope you enjoy the rest, chapter 3 now up.

Time of change
01/08/2008 07:09 pm
Wonderful first chapter. I'm really looking forward to reading more.
Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed. The next chapter is now up. Hope you enjoy.

01/07/2008 09:42 pm
Clever plan Spike. Yup, fool the Watcher! That'll only last as long as it takes for the shock to wear off. Wonder how Buffy's going to react? At least the Scoobies all know that Spike is more than just a passing thing for her.

Looking forward to more.
Yes, it appears that Spike doesn't know Giles at all. But then again, Giles doesn't know just how much Spike will fight for his girl. Glad you enjoyed, thank you. Next chapter is now up.

01/06/2008 09:40 pm
Fun, Fun,Fun!! Can't wait for more! Love a Spike who takes control! More soon,please!
Thank you! Fun is good, I aim to please. I like an in-charge Spike, but he's never been a good one with a plan...still, if Buffy can learn to cook, anything's possible :) Glad you enjoyed, and chapter 2 is now up.

01/06/2008 09:00 pm
more more more...
*grins* Thank you, glad you like. Next chapter is now up.

01/06/2008 05:13 pm
Looking forward to how Spike executes his plan. Good start.
Thank you, I hope I do it justice and hold your interest. Next chapter is now up.

01/06/2008 05:03 pm
Poor Giles, he should just stand aside rather than get run over. I can't wait to see what this story has in store for us.
Yes, Giles can't help himself. But he's in for a rough ride if he thinks he can stand in between the two of them. Thank you, next chapter is now up.

01/06/2008 04:49 pm
Oooh, I love your start to this story; who would have thought Giles would go along with ANY plan of Spike's, especially one involving Buffy and Spike together? Can't wait for more, please update again soon!
Hee! Thanks. Giles has fallen prey to Spike's line of patter - who wouldn't? But he's regretting it. Still, time will tell...next chapter is up, hope you like and thanks.

01/06/2008 07:44 am
This could turn out to be very interesting! Love Spike trying to force Ripper out and making up some elaborate scheme to get to Buffy. But Buffy cooking? That one's not quite so believable!
Thank you. I hope you enjoy the rest. Chapter two is now up. I love Spike needling Spike, it makes me giggle. And I figured Buffy could surprise people a little. But cooking...yeah, I know! Thanks.